Chapter 30

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long!! I hope you'll like it!! :)

Anastasia's POV

I abruptly woke up from a dream that I can't remember. Christian is beside me, who is still sleeping. What time is it? I looked at the bedside alarm clock and it was 4 in the morning. Jesus. Last night's activity left me a little frustrated. Okay. A lot frustrated. I decided to get out of the bed and drink juice. I wore Christian's shirt and I can't help but sniff it. He smells so damned good.

I checked on Teddy first, and he is awake too. Maybe that's the reason on why I'm suddenly awake. I carried him outside the room and went to the fridge to get orange juice and to pick up the mousse Gail made.

I breastfed Teddy while I'm eating the mousse. Will the milk taste like chocolate? I giggled at my very ridiculous thought. "What are you giggling about, Mrs. Grey?" Christian asked, whispering at my ear. "Nothing." I giggled again. "This is a time too early for you." He said as he ran his fingers in my hair. "I know." I uttered, sighing.

"Elliot came here earlier." He said as he sat down beside me. "Oh?" I asked. "He told me about his engagement. He asked me to be humane about it." He said, feigning exhaustion. "Oh Christian. Why would he come here at that time?" I asked. "I think he just came from a project near the Sound. He is also making big megabucks." He answered. "Megabucks?" I said, smirking. "I'm not the only person who earns megabucks in the world, Ana." He said, smiling.

"If you didn't become a successful entrepreneur or businessman, what field you would have entered?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I become a successful businessman?" He said. "Christian." I scolded. He stood up and placed my used plate and spoon at the sink. "I don't know." He answered.

"You don't know?" I said, amused. "At first, I wasn't actually that interested in business. Of course, I was young. All I wanted to do was to drink and hook up with women. All I thought was that my parents are rich already, so why bother? But when I started entering too many brawl fights, I almost got kicked out of the house. I think that's what changed my perspective about things. It made me more conscious of myself. I promised myself that whatever happens, I wouldn't come back to being poor. Never. That's what pushed me to become a businessman." He said, never looking at me.

"With the help of Elena, of course." I uttered before thinking. Damn. "Yes." was his reply. "I think I would become a lawyer." He said, getting Teddy out of my hands and placing him on his chest. "You would've been a really gorgeous lawyer." I said looking up at him, smiling. He smiled shyly back at me.

"Come, I want to show you something." He said, offering his hand. We walked upstairs to his office, and I saw my bookshelf at Georgia, only bigger. "Oh my God. Oh my God, Christian." I said as I let go of his hand and paced towards my shelf. Everything was in there. Even my tin can. "I know that's the thing you really are looking for." Christian said. "You didn't open this, did you?" I said as I sat down at one of his chairs. I looked at him and he's smirking. "Oh my God." I said. "You did." I said.

I opened the can and I saw that all of the things I kept there are still intact and complete. I grabbed the charm bracelet Christian gave me and placed it on my wrist, but I'm having a hard time fastening it together. "Let me." He said as he held my hand and snapped it together easily. "This is so embarrassing." I mumbled, covering my face with my hands. "Don't be. I... love it. My sentimental girl." Christian said, kissing my hair.

"He's asleep." I remarked, seeing Teddy sleeping soundly on his arms. "Let's put him on his crib, then." He answered, pulling me up off my chair and wrapping his other arm in my shoulder.


Christian and I went back to our room, and I lied down on our bed, yawning. "Care for a little adventure, Mrs. Grey?" Christian asked, sitting on my side of the bed. "I guess." I said as I stood up and put on my robe. "Where are we going?" I asked as he pulled my hand. "It's a surprise." He said, smirking.

We went out of the house and of the gate, still walking. "We are not going to bring the car?" I asked. "No, we can walk, or if you want, we can run." He said, challenging me. "I'm wearing flip flops, Christian." I said, exasperated.

He let go of my hand and crouched in front of me. "No, Christian." I said. "C'mon, Ana." He said. "Are you kidding me right now?" I said. "Ana. I can handle it." He said. I let him stand up and he faced me. "Christian, I can handle a little walking." I said. "A few miles?" He asked. What? I avoided showing any uncertainty. A few miles. Jesus. "Yeah, I can handle it." I said, convincing not only him but also myself.

"Okay then." He said as he held my hand and we continued walking. "Where is Elliot and Kate's engagement party gonna be held?" I asked as we walked side by side. "Columbia Tower." He answered. "Mile High Club, huh?" I said, looking at him, smirking. "I think I've introduced you to it quite well, Mrs. Grey." He said, his eyes gleaming. "I would like to learn more." I said as I bit my lip. His eyes are now burning.

"I will make sure your expectations will be reached." He answered as he gripped my hand a little bit tighter. "What would we give them as a gift?" I asked. "I already answered all the drinks and the venue. Don't worry." He reassured me. "But that's only yours." I uttered. "Ours, Ana." He said. He pulled me closer and kissed my hair.

"We're almost there." Christian said as we turned and walked on grass fields. He lied down and I lied down beside him, resting my head on his chest. "What would we get them on their wedding?" I asked as I traced small circles on his chest. "A car, I guess." Christian suggested. "They have cars, Christian." I said, smiling. "What about a trip to the Caribbean?" I said. "I don't know but I think that is Elliot's plan already." He answered. "Damnit!" I cursed.

Christian laughed at my frustration. "Why is it so hard to give gifts to rich people?" I moaned, so frustrated. "It isn't." He answered. "Eh. Their wedding would be a few months from now. I still have a long time to think." I said, sighing.

"Can we look at the sunrise now?" Christian asked. I raised my head and I saw the dark sky slowly getting brighter. "You brought me here for this?" I asked Christian, who is also looking at the sunrise with awe. "Thank you." I said as I kissed his cheek. "Everything for you, Mrs. Grey." He said as he kissed me and watched the sunrise together.

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