Chapter 45

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Christian's POV

"It's so good to see you, Anastasia. Motherhood suits you." John compliments, and Ana flushes, unused to receiving compliments. Am I not giving her enough of those?  I take my usual seat and Ana sits beside me, but John stops him. 

"Sit across him." He requests. She follows him and sits across me, not looking at me.

 "Christian told me you agreed on a joint session." John starts, pulling out his notebook and pen. 

"Yes. He asked me a few nights ago." She answers, looking at him. Why is she looking at him and not at me? 

"Good. So, what do you want to know?" Flynn asks. The million dollar question. Ana is not saying a word.

"Maybe you want to hear what happened, in Christian's perspective." The fucker suggests, and I stare at him, my eyebrows furrowed. We have gone through this a million times already. What else does he want to know? 

"It's not for me. It's for her, Christian. Stop looking at me like you'll murder me." Flynn jokes, and Ana chuckles. Ana gazes at me, her eyes curious, intrigued.

"I'd like to hear about it." Ana says softly. I roll my eyes at John and the smug motherfucker grins. I clear my throat and rest my hands inside the pocket of my jacket.

"We were eating dinner, and you weren't talking and you were barely touching your plate. I asked you what's wrong and you told me that you were pregnant. I was shocked and confused and mad at once. I wanted to show you the world, Ana, and suddenly you told me you were pregnant. I was frustrated more than anything else. I told you I know I'm not going to be a good father and you told me I will, which shocked me even more. I left and told Taylor to watch you. I called Elena when I reached the bar." Ana cringes as as I say her name.

She nods, telling me to continue.

"I told her the news and she told me you did it intentionally and I immediately defended you, telling her you are not a gold digging whore like she is. She hits me at the chest and I recoil, and she panics. She tells me I cannot be repulsed by her and that this isn't happening. She tries kissing me and I pushed her away, and that's when I see you. I immediately followed you and you know what happened. I let you go." I say, my voice catching at the last sentence.

She wipes tears in her eyes. "Why didn't you just tell me that?" She asks. I wipe her cheeks, and hold her hand.

"I wanted to, but I was drunk and mad and confused. I know you will not believe me because of what you saw." I say, looking away.

"If you explained yourself, I still wouldn't have believed you. I saw what I saw." Ana says softly.

"It's not what it looked like. Believe me." I plead, looking at her.

"Then what happened after that?" John asks me. 

"I didn't go to the office for a month. I didn't talk to anyone. I didn't drink anything that isn't liquor." I list. 

"I also emailed you. I emailed you a lot. I deposited money on your bank account. I sent a christmas tree and christmas gifts." I list, and it feels like it's Sunday and I'm confessing to the priest. I run my hands on my hair.

"Did you know about this, Ana?" John asks Ana. She nods. 

"Our housekeeper told me. His driver told me some things. I received all the things he said." She answers. 

"You know what you did was wrong, right?" Ana asks me, finally looking at me.

 I nod. "I know. I didn't respect your wish, and I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure that you and Teddy will be alright." I apologise.

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