A Thank You Note

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So, we've reached the end. The end of this part of Ana and Christian's life, that is. Thank you. Thank you for everything.

This started as a crazy idea during the two year hiatus between Darker and Grey. I was bored and I messaged my best friend ideas about alternate endings and scenarios, and I thought about different scenarios. My best friend thought that this idea, the "What if?" idea, is a good one. So I proceeded to write. She helped me write the first chapter, giving me some ideas, but she left the fandom (kind of) so I was left alone with the idea. So, to my best friend, thank you for pushing me to write this.

I started writing this when I was a nerve wracked 15 year old who's gonna start college and is completely scared, anxious and clueless. Now I'm 17, in my junior year, still clueless and anxious and adjusting to being an adult.

I wrote this just to write it, not for attention or fame. I really just needed to get rid of the itch to write. I didn't expect it to get any attention at all. I've read a fair share of fan fiction (and I might share it sometime) and I know my writing is really sh*tty compared to those works of art. Thank you for validating me by reading my work.

Thank you to those who stuck with me from the beginning. I know I disappeared for a while, so if you cared or waited, thank you and I'm sorry if it took me a while to come back on my feet. Thank you to those who just accidentally bumped onto this story and gave me a chance. Thank you so much to all of you.

I read every single comment. I may not reply sometimes but I'm really just awkward haha. Thank you for voicing out your opinions, whether positive or negative. Thank you for wishing me good luck or to get better. It helped me in ways I can't explain. Thank you for the votes, comments and messages. You guys make me feel really special.

So... the million dollar question is if I'm going to write again.

The idea started as a chain of messages and it ended up to becoming 150,000 words and 56 chapters of fiction. There were a lot of tears shed out of sheer joy or otherwise, hundreds of drafts and random quotations that I deleted and threw away, and hours and hours of research to make sure that it can be as accurate as it could be.

To answer the question, yes. I'll write again. Of course. I always come back to writing no matter how hard I try to resist it. I'll always come back to Christian and Anastasia.

Now, there's follow up questions.

Will it follow this book? Maybe.

Will it be about Christian and Ana? Possibly.

When will it be published? I don't know. I can't put a date.

Thank you for sticking with me and reading my work and just being awesome and cool and all that. I love every single one of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. ❤️

- Chan

P. S. I still have a few surprises up on my sleeve. Stay on the lookout.

Laters, baby.

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