Happy Birthday, Anastasia.

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A/N: It's Anastasia's birthday (in this side of the planet, at least) and it doesn't feel right to just let it slide. Don't be misled, this is not about her birthday or whatever. This is the draft of what most probably will be the first chapter of FSFC 2. Enjoy! 

02 September 2029.

No matter where the Greys go, they will always come back home.

They hear the party before they see it. Elliot's exaggerated storytelling, Kate's supportive laugh, Ava's exasperated sigh after hearing the same story for the nth time, and Carrick and Grace's quiet conversation. The sizzling hiss of the barbecue, the consistent hum of the oven, and the clinking of glasses complete the typical Grey Sunday lunch.

"You made it! I thought the delay was going to be bad." Kate greets Ana, hugging her tight.

"Just a few hours of delay. You look so tan, Kate." Ana says.

"You look like a Parisienne." Kate retorts, grinning to her best friend.

Teddy can't help but smile, seeing his family in good spirits. He says hi to his grandfather and uncle by the grill, and he receives shoulder pats and hair tousles from them. Carrick can't help but marvel at how similar Teddy looks like Christian. Have the men stand beside each other and you can only tell them apart by the eyes and the slight height difference of the duo.

"How's Europe, Ted?" Elliot asks, flipping the huge rack of ribs.

"Excellent as always, uncle. Could've enjoyed more if not for this ridiculous cast." Ted answers, patting his half leg cast.

"Oh, I forgot about that. Ted, how did you break your leg with your parents?" Carrick asks. He knows that his son and his wife can get just a little overprotective so he still doesn't understand how it happened.

"That's because mom and dad weren't around. Hi, Uncle Elliot, Grandpa." Phoebe interrupts, hugging her uncle and grandpa.

"That explains a lot." Elliot remarks. He knows that Christian and Ana wouldn't let anything bad happen to their children after everything they went through.

Christian and Ana sit at the nearest chairs. Grace approaches them, smiling.

"Ana, you look radiant." Grace compliments, and as usual, Ana blushes, still unused to the compliments.

"Thank you, Grace. You look amazing, too. How are you?" She asks her beautiful daughter in law.

"I'm perfectly okay, mom. Christian got sick while we were at Amsterdam but he recovered quite quickly." Ana tells Grace, holding her husband's hand.

"I had the best nurse to take care of me." Christian simply says, kissing the hand of his wife.

Grace's heart can't help but warm up when she's looking at the couple. Christian and Anastasia has been together for almost 20 years now, but their love hasn't dwindled down for each other. If possible, they love each other more than ever. Grace can't help but see herself in Ana: an accomplished woman who is very much in love and happy with her life.

"How's grandma?" Christian asks his mother.

"She's okay. It's been a tough year but she's holding up as we all expected. She plans on selling the orchard. I've told your siblings, Christian."

"We'll talk about it, mom. Tell her she can ask me for anything and I'd give her it."

Grace sighs. "You know your grandma only wants your grandpa back and alive."

"I know that. Please, just tell her for me?"

"Of course, darling. Go say hi to your brother and father." Grace urges, and Christian stands up from his seat, kissing Anastasia on her forehead.

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