Chapter 1

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Year 13. New student beginning half way through second semester. Great.

"Hello class, we have student joining us today. Please welcome Sal Page," Mr. Stokes said.

I stared at my new English class in front of me. Almost everyone was sitting there expressionless saying it was 8 on a Monday morning. One girl gave me a small smile. In the back there was a group of guys whispering to each other. The one in the back corner caught my eye. His curly hair was pushed back. His white shirt was hung low and loose. I spotted a few tattoos on his arm and I could easily see many of his tattoos through the shirt. His green eyes easy to pick out. He looked at me with a small grin. I ignored it not wanting his attention at the moment.

I gave Mr. Stokes a slight smile before sitting down at my desk in the second row. I took out one my pencils and started to doodle on my sketch pad that laid in my lap. Everyone started talking as the teacher rummaged through his desk. I felt awkward not knowing who to talk to. I continue to draw until I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Yes?" I asked turning around.

"Hi," the girl that had smiled at me before said,"I'm Laura Williams."

"Hi I'm Sal, but you probably heard that," I replied. She smiled and nodded.

"So why the late change in schools?"

"My dads job requires us to travel a lot. He's a marine biologist," I explained.

"Oh that's cool. What about your mum?"

"Uhhh, umm.... she.." I mumbled looking down at my floor as I traced circles on the ground with my shoe.

"You don't have to tell," Laura assured.

"Thanks," I smiled looking up at her.

We continued to talk. She was friendly and a little weird, I liked it. I couldn't believe I had made a friend so fast and easily. We talked about the teachers here and our classes. We began to talk about about the students. Laura named cliques and the after school activities.

"What about him?" I asked turning to the boy that grinned at me earlier.

"Oh that's Harry," Laura smiled, "he's the hottie bad boy." I giggled at her change of behavior.

"He doesn't seem that bad," I shrugged.

"Just wait by the end of the day you'll know wha-" Laura was cut off my Mr. Stokes clearing his throat and telling us he was about to begin class.

"I'll tell you later," she promised before walking back to her seat.

I thought about her words looking back at Harry one more time to see him staring at me. Again I shrugged it off. I took out my binder and began to take notes.


The bell rang loudly and the rest of the class stood up to leave. Laura quickly rushed over to me pulling me by the wrist to the side of the room. She looked around to make sure no one who listening.

"To continue, Harry's not the normal kinda guy here, Harry has victims..," Laura tried to explain.

"Victims?" I asked confused. Laura bit her lips muttering words trying to think of the best way to explain this too me.

"Just don't get involved with him. He plays by his own rules. He was a new girl every week. Don't let him fool you with his curls," Laura told me in a more serious tone. I laughed a little.

"I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not afraid to stand my ground or make a statement."

Its true. Im very independent for a girl my age. I guess my life style has made me who I am. Laura smiled at me.

"You're alright Sal Page."

"You too, Laura Williams."

I turned back one last time to look at Harry, but he was gone. Something intrigued me about him. He was definitely different.

Laura and I went our separate ways your lockers. I checked my schedule to see what class was next. I had math, so I collected my textbooks and math binder and was off to class.

Every class started the same, introducing me. The reaction was the same every time too. Expressionless. These kids could careless, but that didn't really bother me. I scanned the room for Harry, but didn't see him.


The morning continued the same way. I hadn't talked to anyone else since Laura. I also didn't have any other classes with her. Neither with Harry. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wanted to learn more about him. It was lunch time now, so I was putting up my books. Everyone else had cleared the hallway and was making their way to the lunch room. I closed my locker turning to the left, but someone stopped me.

"Hey baby," the rough voice said. I looked to see him. Harry.

"Sal, right?" Harry asked me shifting his weight over causing me to be pressed against the locker. One of Harry's hand was pressed to the locker next to me with his elbow bent allowing him to lean in close. His other hand laid at his side.

"Yeah." My voice sounded strong, but I was scared inside. I've never been in this kind of situation before. I looked down the hallway, but no one was there.

"I'm Harry. How 'bout we get to know each other a little better."

"No thanks."

"C'mon love, I have the key to the custodian's closet," Harry winked inching closer.

"Get away from be you prick!" I shouted bring my knee up to where the sun doesn't shine. Harry groaned placing his on his crotch falling forward allowing me to run down the hall.

"You little bitch!" Harry yelled as I turned the corner heading towards the lunch room. I tugged my bag higher on my shoulder and pulled my sweater around me tighter.

That asshole! I can't believe just happened. I just need to find Laura. Even though I dont know her too well, she was the closest thing I had to a friend right now.

I rushed into the lunchroom refusing to make eye contact with anyone. I searched the tables for Laura and found her near the left window at a circle table with a few other girls. I hurried over to the table and tapped her back.

"Yeah," she smiled turning around, "Oh hey! Where have you been?"

"I have to tell you something," I begged Laura pulling her by the wrist over to the side.

"Yeah what is it?" She asked with worried eyes.

"I know I've only know you for a few hours, but I can trust you right?"

"Of course."

"Harry tried to force himself on me."

"Already? Oh my god, Sal are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just a little shaken up. I now know what you meant."

"I'm so sorry you had to learn that the hard way. What happened because clearly nothing did."

"I might of kneed him in the lower area."

"What?!" Laura yelled a little too loud catching the attention of a few others near us.

"Shhhh! ... I told him 'to get away from me' and that he is a prick."

"What did he do?!"

"He called me a bitch as he fell down to the ground. Then I ran away and now I'm here."

"When you said you're not that kind of girl earlier I shouldn't listened better. I still can't believe that!"

"I'm with you."

"You're the first. The first to reject 'The Harry Styles."

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