Chapter 35

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Sal's POV

Exams are done. D-O-N-E. Thank god. This week has been nothing, but stressful. I haven't talked to Harry, but twice. I mean we texted, but I didn't have time to see him. Graduation was tomorrow and then we're home free.

I'm still worried about Harry and his secrets. I can't ask him about JD or Jesy or this package thing because then he would know I was eavesdropping. Damn my curiosity.

I shook the idea out of my head and grabbed my belongs heading out the door of the room. I searched the hall of happy teens for Harry. I was going to his house to spend the night. I had actually packed a bag this time of my belongings.

I spotted the tall tattooed covered boy in the crowd of people. I made my way over to him. I brushed my hair against his and gestured towards my locker. He nodded and slowly turned around.

I grabbed the last things out of my locker and got my bag. Harry stood leaned up against the wall across from my locker. I could feel his eyes on me. I closed my locker and walked past him as turned around to see him following me close behind.

We walked out of the school and almost everyone had already left. Harry walked past me and to his car. He jumped in his prize possession and cranked it up. I stood in front of the school watching as other people leave.

Almost everyone was gone when Harry pulled up to the curve. I looked both ways before climbing in the car. Harry placed his hand on my thigh and sped off.

"Are you ever going fix my car?" I asked Harry once we were out of the parking lot.

"Of course."

"Good. I like watching you work on cars."

"You do?" Harry asked.

"Yeah," I answered biting my lip.

Harry looks hot when he works on cars. The way his muscles flex and contract and when he hair sticks to his forehead because of the sweat.

"What are we gonna do tonight?" I asked curious.

"I have a few things in mind," Harry winked squeezing my thigh before taking his index finger and trailing it up my leg.

"I don't think so," I said snatching his finger and placing his hand pack in his lap. Harry laughed and left his hand in his lap. He pulled up in front of his house and he hopped out and jogged over to my side to open my door.

"Thanks," I smiled taking my hand into his. We walked inside and I set my things down in the kitchen.

"I'm excited for tomorrow," I smiled plopping down on the couch.


"You're not?"

"I don't see the big deal. Having to put on a suit then having to put on some gospel choir get up and then sitting in a room of people I can't stand for a two hours just so I can't get a fucking piece of paper."

"Think about all the work you've done is paying off. It's a celebration for your work. Then it's all over and it will be so worth it."

"It's still going to be a waste of time," Harry scoffed sitting down next to me. I rolled my eyes and scooted close to him.

"Well I am excited to see you in a suit," I whispered in Harry's ear before smiling against his neck.

"And I hope you'll be wearing a dress."

"I will."

"The maybe it won't be a total waste of time," Harry smiled and I laughed.

Harry's POV

I have barely seen Sal all this week and I've missed her. I'm glad that we are together right now.

This week has been nothing, but crazy. JD has been looking for me, but luckily I know this town better than him. He goes out at night trying to find me so I usually just stay home which is a little hard considering a work as a dealer at night. The boys have agreed to take over for a bit and let me stay on the down low which is nice.

I have been thinking a lot about my family since last weekend when Sal brought it up. I wonder how they are doing. I wonder if they miss me or even looked for me when I left.

"Sal?" I asked.


"You know last weekend when you asked about my family..."

Sal nodded looking into my eyes. I looked down loosing eyes contact and played with the rings on my fingers.

"I kinda wanna.. well... never mind. It's nothing. I'm sorry," I rambled muttering.

I didn't know what I saying. I didn't even want to talk about my family. What was I supposed to say 'I haven't seen or talked to them in 5 years because I stole money from a dealer'.

"It's okay. You don't have to talk about it," she assured me lifting my chin out eyes meeting.

"Thanks," I said half smiling.

There was a few moments of silence. Both of us didn't know what to say.

"I wanna tell you about my mum," Sal said quickly and rushed.

"You do?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. I think."

"Don't feel like you need to. Like only tell me if you really want to."

"I do. I just haven't talked about it with anyone, so I don't know how this is going to go over."

"It's okay."

"I don't even know where to start," she laughed a little. I rubbed my thumb over his hand as I held her hand.

"Start wherever you want," I said kissing her cheek encouraging her.

"Well my mum and dad were marine biologist partners. They worked together and loved their job. They had me and decided to settle down. My mum took a break from work and we lived in London. My dad continued to work and would fly out every week and go somewhere for a few days. When I was two one day, my mum and I, we went, went..."

Sal lost it. She broke down crying on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her small, fragile body and rubbed her back.

"I'm sorry," she whispered into my chest.

"There's no reason to be sorry."

I kissed the top of her head and Sal wiped away her tears with he arm. There were a few that she didn't get so wiped away with my thumb.

"You don't have to continue," I whispered softly in her ear holding her close.

"No, no I want. I need to. This has been trapped inside of me for so long. I need to let it out," she said sniffling. I nodded and tucked a price of hair that had fallen in front of her face behind her ear.

"We went to the park. I know I was young, but I remember this day crystal clear. It's weird. It feels just like yesterday...," she started. I nodded encouraging hoping she will continue.

"I was in a stroller, which was weird because of I could obviously walk. It was the park in north London that we went to almost every week. Nothing was out of the ordinary."

I could tell Sal could burst into year again at any second. I rubbed her hand again and squeeze it lightly.

"Then all the sudden.. she wa-wasn't there," Sal said breaking down again. She didn't fall into my chest this time though. Tears fell from her bloodshot eyes, but she sat up tall and strong. She looked sad and angry and a bit distressed and confused.

"She fucking left me if the middle of the park, at 2 years old! She left me alone! What kinda mother leaves her child?! Out of all the places in a park! Someone could of kidnapped me and killed me!! She didn't give me shit. She never gave a damn about me."

I opened my mouth to speak, but I had no idea what to say. That was one of the last things I was expecting to hear leave her quivering lips. She sat taking deep breathes recovering. She looked broken.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in forcefully. I was never good at helping people. I would always fuck it up, so I just held her in my arms. I felt her tear and heard her sobs. I really had no clue what to say. I didn't want to say the wrong thing.

I didn't know that Sal had been through that. She seemed fine to me. Just a normal girl living her life, but who knew that she was abandoned.

"It's okay baby. Everything is going to be okay. I love you," I said after a few minutes resting my head in the crook of her neck. I felt her nod against my chest still crying.

"I'm making a too big of a deal out of this. I'm sorry," Sal apologized trying to pull back.

"No you're not. Angel, it's okay to cry," I tell her.

"I haven't cried in years and I've cried twice in front of you in a week," she said shaking her head clearly disappointed in herself.

"You need to cry. It will make you feel better. It will get the stress off your shoulders."

My mum used to tell me that when I was upset but too proud to cry. I knew she was right, but I never listened to her. My mum was always right.

"Thank you. I love you," she said smiling through her tears.

"I love you too baby."

I kissed her swollen lips lightly and pulled her back in for another hug.


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