Chapter 12

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It was Friday evening. Jack and I had planned to have another date tonight. I was was very excited. Harry didn't say anything to me all day at school. He didn't even stare at me which was very much appreciated. Maybe we were making progress.

I wanted to wear a dress, so I slipped on little dress that I was gotten in America. It was floral and has a sweetheart neckline. I had already taken a shower and my hair was done. I put on a small necklace and finished up my makeup. Jack should be here soon, so I slipped on my vans.

I walked down and into the garage to a bottle of water. I looked my car. I ran my hand over the hood. If Harry could really fix it, I would really grateful. But I can't believe he told me what his job was. Harry doesn't tell anyone anything. No one knows anything about him. He just told me. Out of the people. Me.

I was startled and taken away from my thoughts of Harry in my house working on my car by a knock on the door. I cleared my mind, took the last sip of water, and answered the door.

"Hi Sal. You look really nice," Jack said and leaned in a kissed my cheek.

"You do to," I smiled as Jack took me to his car our hands together.


The date was amazing and the way part was Jack asked me to be his boyfriend. I obviously said yes. I was crushing on this boy. Hard.

On school on Monday, everyone knew we were together and the girls were so happy for me. Life was amazing.

Harry's POV

I got to school Monday and hoped the week would be over quickly. I need school to be over.

As soon as I walked in a ran into a small group of girls whispering to each other. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Did you hear about Sal and Jack?" The little red head said to her friends.

What? I immediately stopped and listened to their conversation form a few feet away.

"Yes! They're so cute together. She's so lucky he will the best boyfriend for her," the blonde cheered.

Boyfriend? What?

I stormed away. What the hell? They can't be a couple. They can't.

Wait why do I even care about this. I shouldn't. I mean Sal is her own person. Why should I give a damn? a

I still felt infuriated inside. I felt the need to punch something. Or 



Sal's POV

It was now Wednesday and my life was perfect. Well almost perfect. My dad was still never home. He was always at the lab. He told me something about this plankton and other things. I don't really care about it.

Harry had ignored me these past few days. I guess he has laid off. Sometimes I'll catch him staring, but he will look away quickly like he wasn't. I don't know what his deal is. There was this big rumor going around that he had slept with this girl at this other school. Apparently it was a big accomplishment or something. He might be acting better but I still don't like him for doing things like that.

Jack couldn't be more prefect though. He always held my hand and kissed my cheek. He had gotten an hair cut making his long shaggy hair shorter. I think it made him look better.

I was walking down the stairs from my last class. I turned the corner outside in the plaza to cross over to the building with my locker to see a certain curly haired boy slamming his fist into Jack.

For action and drama to come!!! Comment and vote!! Xx

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