Chapter 34

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Sal's POV

My phone which sat on the table in the living room started to ring.

I reached for it and grabbed it sliding the bar to open it.


"Hey girl! It's Laura!"

"Oh hey."

"Wanna study with me today for this week?"

"Uh yeah, but maybe a but later. I'm with Harry right now."

"Oh that's fine. Just text me if you're coming over."

"I will. Bye!"


Harry walked back downstairs after digging out his books that he said he had never used.

"How did you get through the year without using your books?"

"I just remember what the teach said I guess."

"You're crazy," I said rolling my eyes playfully.


I laughed and Harry plopped down next to me so we could study again.

After about a good hour of studying Harry's phone rang and he answered it immediately.

"Hello?" He stood up from the couch and walked into the couch.

"Shit. He okay?"


"Yeah yeah I'll be there soon."

"Okay. Bye."

"What's wrong?" I asked Harry standing up.

"Um, just some trouble at work..."

"Oh, do you need me to leave?"

"Yeah kind of. I mean I don't want you to, but there is a problem that I need to fix. I'll drive you home."

"Actually could you pick me up at Laura's house?"

"Yeah, sure. I don't know where she lives though."

"Six doors down from me actually when you pull onto my street."

"Oh ok."

I put my books in my bag and grabbed my other belongs before walking to door where Harry was waiting. I also texted Laura saying I would there in a few minutes.

"I hope you're not mad," Harry said to me taking me hand into his.

"Of course not. I get it."

I was kinda lying. I was still a little irritated with Harry and his secrets, but he says its for my protective, but that only makes me worry more. That's means that this thing is dangerous, and I don't want Harry to get hurt.

I still want to know who this JD person is and why Harry freaked out about him. Harry doesn't sent I be scared of anyone, but he ran at the mention that this JD guy was in town.

"Ok. I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled squeezing his hand and Harry grinned pecking
 my lips.


Harry's POV

"Niall how are you?!" I asked jogging into one of the side rooms in the warehouse.

"Eh, fine. My ribs are sore," he Irish boy answered lifting his shirt to reveal a black and blue stomach and chest.

"This is all my fault. I am sorry."

"Oh it's okay. I was spying on him, I had it coming."

"Still JD wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for me. Why was I stupid and take his money?"

"Harry don't beat yourself up? Hey where's your girl?" Louis asked.

"At her friend's house. Why do you care?"

"I don't know, but you should know she has a little attitude."

"Oh I know," I grinned.

I had lived the past month and a half with Sal's attitude and I loved it. The way she rolls her eyes and makes snappy comments. It makes her much hotter.

The boys laughed and I just shook my head.

"But seriously, she doesn't know about this job. So shut the fuck up if I ever bring her around you again. I don't want her getting her," I snapped.

"We will, we will," Zayn said holding his hands up in a surrender.

"And I swear if you guys even touch her without my consent which I will never give, I will fucking kill you and will enjoy doing it," I said my voice going cold.

It was true. The boys were like my brothers. The only family type thing I had left, but I wouldn't hesitate to bash their skulls in if they hurt Sal.

"Wow you really care about her," Liam said.

"Well yeah, I love her." I don't really why I told the boys I love her. It's not like its any of their fucking business.

"Love?!" Niall laughed, but immediately stopped groaning and holding his stomach and chest.

Karma's a bitch.

But by now all the boys were laughing.

"Harry Styles loves someone?" Louis asked still laughing.

"Yes, I do. Now fucking get over it."

"We thought it was just some 'fuck and dump' kind of thing," Zayn explained.

"Well it isn't. Now get back to work. I've gotta some other things to do," I said  rolling my eyes just like Sal and leaving the room.

Those boys drive me insane. I headed towards the auto shop because I needed to work on some cars. Also that would relieve the stress of this JD thing. I was worried that he would find me, so I threw on my sunglasses and a SnapBack I found in the back on my car to mask my identity.

I don't know what I'm going to fucking do about this whole thing either. JD isn't going to stop until I'm dead, so it's either pack up and leave or get killed. But I have Sal now and I can't just leave. Maybe this summer we could go somewhere. I don't know my head is spinning and I don't know what to do.

But I need to keep Sal safe.


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