Chapter 58

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"What's wrong?" I called out taking the steps two at a time to reach her quicker.

"You only have two bedrooms...," she said.

"Yeah...," I trailed off realizing the dilemma.

Where the fuck was Sal supposed to sleep?

"I'll sleep on the couch and you can have our, I mean my room," I explain.

"Oh no, I'll sleep on the couch. It's your room," Sal quickly responds.

Stubborn as always.

"Sal, it was your room too. You have been sleeping on a hospital room for the past few nights, you deserve to sleep on an actual bed," I argue sweetly.

It's actually a stupid reason, if she knew that I haven't even slept in days and have been sitting in my car every night, but she doesn't know and she does not need to know.

She presses her lips together like she always does when she is thinking.

"You sure?" She finally asked.

"Positive." I smile.

There are a few more moments of silence again.

"Did you remember anything up here?" I ask hoping she did.

"Your room," she nods, "I feel comfortable and relaxed in there."

"That's good," I grinned.

Sal's POV

I blush and look down noticing that the clothes I am in are fifthly.

"I need to change," I whispered.

"I'll show you where your clothes are," Harry chuckled.

He walked past me and to the room that I had peeked in. He walked with this swagger that was unlike anything that I have ever seen. He takes my breath away. Not only was I physically attracted to Harry, but also he was also so sweet. He doesn't think I can tell that he hasn't slept a few days, I'm not sure if that is because of me or something else, but either way he offers me his bed.

I follow him into the room and the rush of relief I had felt minutes before is back. Harry is opening a door, which I can see is a closet.

"You're clothes are in here and in all the drawers on the left side of the dresser. I'll be outside. If you need anything just tell me," Harry explained.

I nodded and he leaves the room. I take off my shirt and I look in the closet, but everything is too nice to lounge around the house in. I walk over to the dresser and hesitate. Did Harry say my stuff was on the right or left side? I open the top draw of the right side and gasp.

It's filled with boxers and condom packets.


Have Harry and I had sex? Or does he just have condoms?

It's not like I can just ask him. That would be so weird. This is so freaking awkward.

I quickly close the draw and open the top draw on the left side this time and it's filled my with my bras and undies. I sigh and change into new undergarments.

I open the next draw and it's filled with t-shirts. I change into the first one on top, which is black and then grab a pair of jeans in the third draw. I look in the mirror and grab my clothes that I had changed out of and fold them neatly placing them on top of the dresser. I walked back over to the door and opened it.

Harry's POV

Sal opened the door and my eyes go wide.


She is wearing those damn jeans. Those damn jeans that make me want to grab her and fuck her against the wall. She's also wearing one my t-shirts. It must of been in one have her draws. She was always wearing my shirts that they just ended up in her draw.

"Anything wrong?" Sal asked confused.

"No." My voice cracked. Shit. "Nothing."

"Umm, ok..." She said quietly.

"Let's go downstairs." I suggested. She nodded and went walked downstairs together.

Sal seems a little shyer than she was five minutes ago. What happened in our, my room?

"You changed," Karen smiled and Sal nodded.

"Are you two hungry?" Rob asked.

Sal didn't answer, but instead looked over at me.

"I'm fine, but if you're hungry I can make dinner," I suggest. "Sal, are you hungry?"

"A little," she admitted and I chuckled.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Whatever," she shrugged.

 I walked into the kitchen and opened the pantry. We didn't have a lot of food. I opened the fridge and freezer. We had some carrots and chicken. This will have to do.

"We have chicken and carrots," I told them.

"Sounds good to me," Sal nodded and Karen and Rob agreed. Sal sat at the bar and watched me cook. She didn't say anything though. Karen and Rob watched TV in the living room.

"You okay?" I asked Sal cutting up the chicken and placing it on plates.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine," she answered not convincingly.

"You sure?"

She nodded.

She had something on her mind and I knew it. If this was a few days ago, I might of pushed her a little more and told her it's just me, but now I feel like it I pushed her a little more she would freak out. It's crazy how fast things can change. I pour everyone drinks and Karen and Rob insist that we all eat in the dining room. I don't think I have ever eaten in here. I sit next to Sal and her grandparents sit opposite of us. They all thank me for the food and just nod in response. About half way through dinner, Karen speaks up.


It is so weird hearing that.

"Yes?" Sal responds.

"I don't want to scare you or anything, but you have a choice to make," Karen said.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Why is she bringing this up now?

"What?" Sal asked confused.

"Of if you're staying here, coming with us, going to Australia, or anywhere really."

"Oh," Sal replied.

I can't even look up. There is a lump in my throat growing and I'm about to loose it.

"You don't have to make it now, but you probably want to make it sooner than later," Rob explained.

"Excuse me," I burst out and take my plate hurrying back into the kitchen.

She has to stay here. She just has to.

Poor Harry :(


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