Chapter 55

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A/N: Hey guys! So I listened to 'These Four Walls' by Little Mix while writing this, so maybe y'all would like to listen to it while reading :)


Day number three in the hellhole called a hospital.

I bet if I could figure out which room Sal was in, I could make a dash for her room and see her. I just need a distraction, so I can look at the computer at the front desk. Maybe I could pay some to act like they were hurt and they would need all the nurses' at the front desk attention and I could look at the computer.

I've officially lost it. I need some fresh air.

I quickly stood up and walked outside making sure to stay under the cover because  rain continued to fall. I started pacing, so I could clear my mind, but it wasn't working. I'm so fucking angry at the universe. Why does all this fucked up shit happen to me?! What the fuck did I do to deserve this?! I finally found my happiness. Sal was my happiness and she was ripped away from me. She is here, but doesn't remember me. She was fucking scared of me. At first I thought it was some sick dream or my mind was playing a trick on me, but this is real.

I let out a frustrated scream catching the attention of a few people, but I sent them all glares and they look away.

I wonder what she is doing right now. Is she sitting in a damn hospital bed where one of those fucking gowns? Are they still trying to explain what happened to her? Does she understand what is happening? Is she starting to remember or are her memories still lost in space?

I bet if they let me back there and let me tell her about these past few moths, she would start to remember, but no they are keeping her caged up like an animal. Maybe she doesn't care, but it sure if driving insane.

"Mate?" Liam's voice snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

I turned to see the boys and Jesy.

"Hey," I managed to say without sounding weak.

"Woah, man, when was the last time you slept or ate?" Niall asked me.

"The day JD took her," I shrugged.

"That was three days ago!" Niall exclaimed.

I just shrugged again.

"You need to go home. Sleep, eat, smile!" Zayn said.

"What's the point?"

"Do you think Sal wants to you to be acting this way?" Zayn asked.

"Don't say her name." I growled my voice on the edge. The sound of her name felt like dirt in a fresh wound. It stung.

"Calm down. Do you think she wants you to be miserable?" Louis asked.

"She doesn't even know who I am. She wouldn't give a fuck."

"I bet if she knew you were this much of a wreck because of her, she would be worried sick about you," Joey explains.

"But she doesn't because no one in this damn hospital will let me go see her or even tell me if she's okay!" I yelled.

"Harry." Jesy spoke.

"What?" I hissed. She gave the boys a stern look and they left us two alone.

What the fuck does she want?

She walked a few steps to a bench and sat down.

"Sit." She instructed. I did and even though I didn't want to.

"Now listen to me. I know you are hurting and I know you don't want anyone to think less of you by getting all mushy, so we're going to skip that part. I just want you to plainly tell me what you are feeling." She said.

"Why? I'm not going to be all girly and shit."

"You're being so fucking annoying and I know you're allowed to be, but just shut up and do what I say."

"Fine. I feel like I'm going to bash someone skull in, but I also want to just lie down and stare at the wall forever."

"Good. Who are you angry at?"

"Me, the universe, JD, everyone. Everyone is pissing me off."

"Ok. I usually I would suggest beating the shit out of someone like you usually do, do at least used to do, but this time I do agree with the lads and think you should go home eat and rest."

"And if she remembers up while I'm gone and comes out to see me and I'm not here, what kind of message does that send her. That I don't care that she lost her memory. Or what if she is finally released? I want to be the first person she sees waiting for her here. I want her to know that I haven't left this fucking hospital because I love her so much."

"Then at least take a nap and eat."

"I'm not hungry or tired." I said truthfully. 

I think if I tried to eat, I would throw up and sleeping is not an option. My mind won't let me rest. It is buzzing with thoughts and questions.

"Fine, don't listen to your friends. We're just trying to help. We brought you a change of clothes and dinner." She told me her annoyance clear in her voice.

She stormed off, but I stayed sitting down on the bench. I leaned back, so my head rest against the concrete wall of the front of the hospital.

"Well, you pissed her off," Louis slightly joked coming to sit next to me holding two bags. I shrugged and closed my eyes.

"Do you want the clothes and food we brought you?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. I'm not sure if I'll do anything with it, but if it will make you guys feel better, than yeah I'll take it."

"Ok. Do you want us to stay here with you or do you want us to leave?"

"Leave." I said not trying to hide the harshness in my voice.

"Look, mate, I know, we know that you're mad at the world right now, me and everyone else is only trying to look out for you. We don't like to see you suffering like this, so cut this the attitude and call any of us if you need something." Louis snapped standing up and joining the rest of the group.

I'm just pissing everyone off today.

Hour after hour past and soon the security guards were kicking me out again. I returned to my car and slipped inside. I turned on my car, so I can blast the AC. I had actually decided to change into the clothes I was brought, but only the shirt. I kept on my jeans with the ripped kneeholes. The shirt was comfier than my other one and bigger too.

I let my thoughts run wild exploring every corner of my mind. My sick and twisted mind. I wonder why all this shit had to happen to me. I guess I really am a jackass. I guess I really do deserve all of this. Instead of JD killing me, this was my punishment from the universe. This is worse than being dead. Sal has been ripped from my grasp. She is so fucking close and I know I could get to her, but she wouldn't even know who I was. She has no fucking idea how bad I am hurting. I slam my hands into the steering wheel and the horn goes blaring.

It still hasn't stopped raining. For the third night in a row, I sit in the front seat of my car completely empty. But tonight I joined the sky and let my tears fall.

The next chapter will begin in Sal's POV ;)

Follow my twitter: stylesmain for updates and such :)


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