Chapter 46

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I have a new phone now since I broke my old one against the wall. It was late afternoon on Friday and I need to go to work.

“Sal baby?” I said brushing my hand against her forearm as she lay in my arms on the couch.


“I need to go to work.”

“Which one?” She asked with a weird concern of harshness and concern in her voice.

“Both.” I answered quietly.

“You can come with to the auto shop and then I’ll drop you off here when I go there…?” I offered trailing off at the end.

“No. I’ll be fine here.”

“You sure?” I asked hoping she will come. She is still unhappy about the drugs and the JD thing.

“Yeah. Just come back soon.” She said smiling at the end.

“Of course.” I grinned kissing her nose.

I left soon after that making my way to the auto mechanic shop. I need to work on two cars and then I’d head down town. I finished working on the cars quickly as possible and went to the warehouse. The other boys’ cars were already there which is good. We all need to talk.

“Look who finally showed up,” Louis laughed as I walked into one of the smaller rooms.

“Shut up.” I snapped. I wasn’t really in the mood for games. I’m on my toes with JD. I had made Sal promise to stay inside when I left her.  I know JD wouldn’t go inside my house. He doesn’t play like that. As long as she’s inside she’s safe.

“Someone’s in a pissy mood,” Zayn muttered. Fred nods agreeing.

“Because someone is trying to kill me and take Sal!” I shouted getting angry.

“He’s trying to take Sal?” Niall asked shocked.

“Yes he is. He told me and I’m freaking out,” I admitted.

“He told you?” Joey asked.

“He called me.” I explained.

“Where is she now?” Liam asked.

“Safe.” I said.

All the boys nodded.

“Any progress?” I asked.

“Yeah. Another customer,” Joey told me.

“Good. Now I need to tell you boys something.”


Sal's POV

I sat bored in Harry’s hou– our house. It’s so strange living here now, but I love it. I hope harry will be home soon. Now it’s dark outside and it’s been four hours. I made myself dinner and a plat for Harry when he gets home, but he’s not.

I walked around the meaninglessly looking at things. I started at the one picture that Harry had hanging in his house. It was of a house. It was an older house, but very charming. I wander if he just took this picture or bought it or it has some meaning. I’ll ask him later.

I was startled when I heard my phone ring. I rushed over to grab hoping it might be Harry calling to say he will be home very soon. I was disappointed when the screen said Unknown. Out of my curiosity I answered the call.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Sal?” A man’s rough voice asked.

“Who is this?” I almost demanded.

“Call down sweet cheeks.”

“I said who is this.”


Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“I’m hanging up,” I said panicked about to end the call.

“Wait! If you do I’ll hurt Harry,” JD stopped me.

“Leave Harry alone,” I said my voice getting stronger.

“You’re definitely Harry’s girl.”

“What do you want?” I asked my voice as cold as his.

“For you to meet me downtown at the corner Cavendish Street and Saint James's Street.”


“Then I’ll kill Harry right now.”


“I’ll kill him. Actually blow his head off in 5, 4, 3, 2, -”

"I’ll meet you.” I rushed out.

“Good girl.”

“If you want Harry to live you will meet me there alone. If you tell Harry about this, I will know. Walk there no driving. One night with me and Harry’s free.”

“Just one night and you’ll Harry alone. Forever?” I asked shaking.

“That’s the deal.”

“Ok. I’ll be there.”

“Be there in one hour harp. And remember baby, if you tell anyone about this I will know and Harry’s dead.”

I gulped nodding even though I knew he couldn’t see me.


I stood on the street corner of Cavendish Street and Saint James's Street. The breeze from beach made me shiver. The street was dark only lighted by two lights and a store that was still open a few stores down from here.

“Hello Ms. Page,” a voice hissed making me cringe.

"JD,” I snapped.

“Lovely to meet you too.”

“I wish I could say the same.”

“You’re feisty.”

I rolled my eyes and kept my arms cross against my chest. I wore a long t-shirt and normal jeans because I didn’t want to look too good.

JD was a tall man, but not as tall as Harry. He looked older than Harry and I. He is probably 25 or 26. He hasn’t shaved in a while; there were black whiskers on his face. His short dark hair was messy and his eyes were cold like Harry’s, but Harry’s eyes should open up and almost sparkle. I knew JD’s eyes never would.

He circle around me like was his prey looking me up and down deciding if I was good enough. My eyes followed him and my brows furrowed.

“Let’s go.” He demanded making me walk in front of him.

“I don’t even know where we are going. You lead.”

"I don’t trust you won’t run off.”

“I’m doing this for Harry. I’m not going to let him die if I can do anything about it.”

He sighed and wrapped his rough hand around my wrist and pulled me with him making me yelp.

This is going to be hard.


Harry's POV

"Hello Harry," a cold voice said over the phone.

"JD," I spat.

"Someone here would like to say hello."

"Harry?" A females voice said.

"Sal?" My voice cracked panicking.

"Hi," she whispered her voice trembling.

"What the fuck are you doing with her?" I boomed into the phone.

He took her. He fucking took her. I'm going to kill him.


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