Chapter 56

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Sal's POV

His face keeps flashing in front of my eyes. His tan skin and deep dimples. His lips were carmine red. His hair was a deep brown and curled at the tips, messily pushed back from his face. And his eyes, his eyes were a shade of green, I can't even explain. They were like emeralds. They looked so big and caring, but he also seemed to hide something behind his eyes. He was masking himself.

He looked so familIar, but like a stranger. It frustrated me that I knew him, but didn't. The doctors won't tell me his name. I remember him telling me it, but the short time I was with him is a blur. These past few days have been a blur.. There has been so much information to take in, but my mind refuses to listen.

I can't stop thinking about that boy, that mysterious boy. 

Harry's POV

"Nurse?" I called out thee nurse that I know if working with Sal.

"Yes?" She smiled.

"There has to be something you can tell me about Sal Page."

"Mr. Styles....," she sighed.

I don't even know why I asked. I got myself hopeful thinking something in this fucking hospital would actually care how I feel.

"She's good. She is healthy. It's hard to tell about her memory though. We have to watch her on a long term scale," she finally said.

"When will she released?"

I sound so fucking pathetic.

"That's the doctor's decision, not mine. I'm very sorry, Mr. Styles. I know you don't like me asking, but have you eaten or slept since I asked you last?"

"No," I mumbled.

It was going on four days and I feel like shit. I'm so freaking dizzy all the time, but I know I'll won't be able to keep in food down. I'm so fucking exhausted that I can barely sleep, if that even makes since.

"Please follow me," she waved me on as she began walking down a hall.

I reluctantly followed her. She entered a room and I went in behind her. It was a small room with a counter and cabinets labeled with the names of different medicines.

"You'll feel better if you take this," she said pulling a pill bottle out. "If you don't take this or eat or sleep soon, you're going to become a patient here, so I suggest choose one."

I snatch the bill bottle out of her hand. I looked at the dosage and decided to take one more than I should because feeling high would be better then low. She hands me a glass of water and I swallow the pills.

"If that doesn't work, I am going to have inject nutrients into you," she explains.

"I'll be fine," I lie. I give her a small nod and leave the room.

For a slit second, I think about running down the halls searching for Sal's room, but I don't think I could even make it. I slump back in a chair in the lobby.

"Hi," a little girl's voice rings through my ears.

I look down and there is a girl that looks around six with a doll in her hand sitting on her knees next to my chair. She has the brightest blond I've ever seen, that is almost white. Her brown eyes were as big as saucers. She is wearing a little pink dress and there is a purple bow in her hair. I don't respond and act like I didn't hear her.

"Do you wanna play with me?" She asked.

"I can't," I grumbled.

"Why?" She asked.

Damn kids...

"I'm busy." I said my words short and sharp.

"With what?"

"God, kid. I can't play."

"Please," she begged pouting. Her bottom lip stuck out and it reminds me of Sal. She used to do that when she wanted something.

I stared at her for a few moments.


I got out of my seat and sat down on the floor.

"Here!" She squealed handing me a doll.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?
"Her name is Barbie," the girl explains. "What's your name?"

"Harry. And yours?"

Oh my god. I'm having a conversation with a freaking six year old.

"Lily," she beamed. "This is Barbie's friend."

She showed me another doll that looked exactly like the one in my hand.

"Let's make them go on a walk!" Lily cheered. She made the doll walk and I did the same thing to my doll, but with less enthusiasm.

"Hey, Barbie are you hungry?" Lily asked in a weird voice moving her doll as if she was talking for it.

"No," I said in my normal voice.

"You have to use a different voice," she explained slightly annoyed. I chuckled, but soon stopped.

"No," I said in a girl voice and Lily cracked up in giggles.

"Say, say something else like that!" She almost demanded while laughing.

"Well, Miss. Lily, I like your purple bow," I said in the same voice and sent the little girl into another fit of laughter.

I laughed with her. I haven't done anything like in forever. The last time I played with dolls was when I was about six or seven with my sister. We used to play together all the time. We were each other's best friends. I had finally in four days gotten my mind off Sal. All it took was one little girl. She had no idea that I was upset. She just wanted a playmate and I fit the description.

"Wait." I spoke. "Why are you here in the hospital?"

"My brother is doing things that makes him hair fall out," she answered. She had no idea why her borther was here.

Chemo..., her brother must have cancer. Poor kid.

"He is bigger or younger then you?" I asked.

"Bigger, he's this many," she smiled holding up nine fingers.

That's horrible.

"Lily! Lily, leave that man alone," a woman's voice called out. I turned to see a woman that looked exactly like the little girl, but she looked about thirty-six instead of six.

"I'm so sorry, about her. I had to go back for something and told her to stay put, but she never listens," the woman explained.

"Oh no it's fine. Lily was no trouble," I told her standing up.

"Thank you. Lily c'mon we're going to go see Cameron," Lily's mother told her. I handed Lily her doll back and she held it tightly to her chest.

She stood up held on to her mother's hand as they walked away.

"Bye Harry!!" She yelled right before the two ventured down the hall.

"Bye!" I called back in my girly voice as they disappeared, but I could hear Lily's laughter from here.

I sighed and slid back into my chair. I heard more laughter from behind me, but it was different than Lily's. I knew whose laugh it was.

I whipped around standing up again choking to get words out.


What will happen next? Tell me your ideas!! :)


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