Chapter 52

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Harry's POV

Sal fell to the ground with a thud. At first I thought the piece of dumb ass shit shot her and with all my fucking strength I burst out of the men's arms. But I realized that Sal had fainted and JD had not shot her. I fell to my knees next to her and tried to pry my hands from the rope the tied them together. When I did, I shook Sal lightly trying to wake her.

"Well isn't this just pathetic," JD grinned.

I noticed that he had put down of his gun. If I could reach it then he would be weaponless. I knew one of goons had my gun, so I'd be matched with him. If Niall or Zayn could get free and sucessfully get my gun back then we'd be set.

Sal was still breathing, but refused to wake and I was beginning to worry. I picked her up in my arms, but still stayed knelt on the ground. I brushed back the hair in front of her face. The color from her face was gone and she was white as a ghost. She hadn't cracked her head open or anything and didn't see that she had any broken bones. But still I need to get her a doctor.

"Sal, please baby wake up," I begged.

I looked back quickly at Zayn and saw that his hands were almost loose from the knot that held them together and was eyeing the gun in one of the men's hands. I nodded slightly at him and he grinned when his hands became loose and free.

"Let us go JD," I demand rising to my feet. I was a couple inches bigger than JD which was good. I still held Sal tightly in my arms.

"Not without some revenge," He explained.

"It's been five years!! I'm sorry JD. Do you want your money back? I'll give it to you. Just leave my friends, Sal, and myself the fuck alone."

I took one small step towards the table.

"But I want to see you suffer."

"Did you suffer when I took your money and ran?! I don't think you did because I know I took less than a quarter of your precious fortune. I was on the one that suffered! You had me as a child labor and when I took the money I wasn't thinking. I abandoned  my family and I haven't heard for them since. I am the one that has suffered!"

Another step.

"You really don't know what you did my taking that money, do you?"


Another step.

JD was quiet for a second, but soon began talking.

"She figured out what I did when she saw how all the money was gone. She figured out and left me. She said she never wanted to look at me again. She figured what I did to you and called me a monster. She left me and it's all your fault!!"

Another step.

I could almost reach the gun.

"Who?" I asked.

Another step.

I was close enough to grab it. Zayn was in position to grab the my gun. I just needed JD to speak.


I quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at JD and Zayn got my gun back and had it pointed at the two men. They stayed silent and still knowing that Zayn could kill them at any second.

"It's not my fault your girl left you. It's your fault for being a no good bastard," I chuckled.

"You can't blame me for your mistakes," I added.

JD stayed silent in shock and in anger.

"Now if you excuse us, we all have to go. I suggest you three get your asses back to wherever the hell you came from," Zayn said and I smiled at him. He had gotten Niall loose and now we could leave.

"And I swear if you ever try to harm any of us either again it will be the last thing you do. You should consider yourself lucky that you're not already dead," I warned.

Zayn, Niall, and I with Sal still in my arms all backed out of the room slowly making sure they didn't pull anything. I walked ahead as Niall, who I had given my gun to, and Zayn stay behind and walked backwards incase JD and his men came after us.  We walked heading towards the exit. I threw Niall my keys and told Zayn to ride shot gun, so I'd be in the back with Sal.

"Drive to the hospital," I instructed as we sped off.

I had Sal laid out on the seats with her head in my lap. I ran my thumb over her lips and gently held her small hand.

"Please angel, wake up," I cooed shaking her. I could slightly hear her mumble something in her unconscious  state.

"Drive faster," I growled when she stopped talking and Niall slammed down on the gas.

We were almost to the hospital when I watched Sal's eyes flutter open slowly. Some color came back to her face. She squinted looking up at me and a big smile grew across my lips.

"We did it baby. We got out. I saved you," I told her quietly bringing her head up to my level. She said silent and stared at me with wondering eyes.

"I love you baby," I whispered pressing my lips against hers. When she didn't kiss back, I pulled back hesitantly  worried.

She leaned back away from me like she was scared and she furrowed her brows confused and opened her mouth to speak.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked.



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