Chapter 11

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Sal's POV

Harry acted strange the rest of the day. It was a different type of strange not his mysterious stares or ridiculous comments, he looked at me confused and was quiet. The one thing I absolutely hate is being stared at and that's all Harry does. Mysterious or confused its still a stare. I hate it.

The rest of my Wednesday went by easily and Thursday came. The rain from earlier this week had pasted and it was bright and sunny. It was the prefect temperature too.

After school on Thursday I wanted to take a walk and explore the neighborhood. I had only walked home from school and to Laura's house from mine. From the looks of it we lived really close to the water and going down there would be fun. I haven't really seen Brighton yet, but I'm excited to.

I changed into shorts and a nice t-shirt. I started walking. I didn't really know where I was headed, but I kept going. I looked at the houses on either side of me. They were big and beautiful. My dad had chosen a nice neighborhood to live in.

Houses soon changed into stores and I was soon strolling into a small shopping district of Brighton. I could hear the ocean from there. Everything was perfect. I spotted a little cafe on the corner and decided to step in an buy a bottle of water.

I walked inside. There was an older couple in a booth drinking coffee I think and some kids either my age or older on laptops scattered throughout the room. I walked up to the register and bought a water. I sat down at the bar stools by the windows looking out at the town. It was very cute in this area. I smiled and pulled out my phone checking the time. It was getting a little late, so I needed to head home.

I walked out of the cafe back to the way I came from. It was still bright and sunny, but a breeze had picked up.

I was almost back to my neighborhood when I heard a voice behind.

"Sal," the voice hissed. I stopped in mid step.

"Harry I'm only going to ask this once, get the fuck away from me," I said sternly.

"I just wanted to talk," he said I felt with breath on my right ear causing me to shiver.

"Well to bad," I snapped walking forward. I just need to ignore him now and he'd go away right? Right.

I heard his footsteps hot on my trail. I could almost picture the smirk on his lips.

"You like Brighton?" He asked.

What the hell? That wasn't rude or snarky at all.

"It's okay," I said it a flat voice.

"You'll learn to like it. I did. I had to."

I didn't really know how to respond to that. What did he mean "I did. I had to." He was so confusing.

I kept walking and Harry was right next to me. I couldn't tell if this or the car ride together was more awkward.

"Umm... thanks again for... you know... driving me home the other day," I stuttered.

"Don't mention. Seriously don't."

"I don't want anyone to know about that anymore than you do."

"Hmm. So you don't have a car or something?" Harry asked.

We were actually having a conversation. I wasn't sure if I was happy we were making progress or scared.

"I do."

"Then why don't you use it?"

"It's doesn't work. Something is wrong with the engine."

"Ummm... well.. I could look at it," Harry mumbled.


"I'm a mechanic. I work on cars. It's my job."

"Oh... umm I'm not sure."

"What kind of car is it?"

"It's a 1964 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible."

"Sal. Those.. Those are really rare. How the hell did you get that car?"

"Oh I didn't know it was rare. My grandparents gave it to me when I moved here. I don't know much about cars."

I had no idea my car was rare. I was just happy that my grandparents gave it to me. They live north in London and said they had no use for it.

"Wait you drive clutch?" Harry asked shocked.

"Yeah why?"

"That's so hot," Harry mumbled under breath.

I pretended not to hear him.

"But seriously I would love to fix your car. No charge."

"Harry, I'm not really sure."

"I'm not going to doing anything bad. I would do anything to get my hands on a car on that."

I looked over at Harry and into his eyes. This Harry was better. The Harry that wasn't rude and dirty. Why doesn't he act like this?

"Fine. But later."

The corner of Harry lips curved upwards, but soon fell again. Why didn't he smile more often? It would make him look less intimidating and maybe make me less rude.

"I've gotta go," I told him when we reached my street.

He nodded his head and turned around. I watched as he disappeared behind a brick building.

Comment and vote!! Also Sal looks like Lily Collins, but only when she has lighter hair!

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