Chapter 49

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“I-I-I…,” Fred stumbled stepping back.

“I’m going to kill you. I’m going to kill you,” I muttered stepping forward.

“Is it true?” Joey asked in disbelief.

“You’ve been playing us? More importantly Harry?” Zayn grumbled also clenching his fist. After me, Zayn is the next violent one. We both have some pretty brutal backgrounds.

“Let me explain,” Fred begged against the kitchen wall.

“Then fucking explain,” I ordered.

“It’s true. It’s true, but he forced me to help him,” Fred said, but he wasn’t convening enough.

“Bullshit!!” I screamed lunging at him. “You fucking told him I was gone, so he could snatch Sal! You fucking help him you bastard!!”

“I’m sorry!” He yelled in defense.

“Don’t even give me that shit! Now I’m going to kill you or you are going to help me get Sal back,” I told him.

“I’ll help you. I will. I promise,” Fred whispered.

“Then tell where the hell she is!” I screamed.

“I don’t.. I don’t know he just told me to keep an eye on you!” Fred told me.

“Fucking find out or you’re finished,” I growled. Fred quickly pulled out his phone and began dialing a number.

“On speaker phone,” I demanded him and he immediately did what he was told.

“What?” JD’s voice snapped through the phone.

“Uhh. I was wondering where are you keeping that girl,” Fred said shaking into the receiver.

“Now why would you want to know?” JD questioned his tone no changing from before.

“Let me go!!” I heard Sal yell in the background.

 “You better shut up you pretty lady before I make you,” JD growled to Sal. I had to physically restarin myself to keep my mouth shut from yelling at JD my clamping my fist shut by my side.

“Umm, so I could, could send Harry in the opposite direction of that. He’s looking for you,” Fred explained shaking in fear.

“Hmmm. I’m down on 23 Second Avenue in Hove,” JD said.

“Mk. Bye.” Fred hung up the phone.

I run over and to the cabinet in the living room and open the second draw. In the side there is a secret draw and I open it grab the item inside making all the boys eyes go wide.

“Since when have you had a gun Harry?” Niall asked.

“Since forever,” I replied.

“How did you get one?” Louis questioned.

“Same way we get the drugs,” I answered. I grab another one of Zayn’s cigarettes out of his hands and his lighter.

I lit the cigarette and put in my mouth. I know these things are shit for you, but at the moment I don't give a fuck. It's helping my relieve the stress that is bearing down on my shoulders.

“What are you going to do with it?” Fred asked barely above a whisper.

“I’m not going to kill you dumbass. I’m sending you off to somewhere in Europe, but if I ever hear that you’re back in Brighton. I fucking swear I will make sure that you wish that you were never born,” I said and Fred gulped and nodded.

“Now for the rest of you. You’re either coming with me or staying here to watch this piece of shit,” I told them gesturing towards Fred.

“I’m coming with you,” Zayn answered immediately.

“Me too,” Niall informed me.

“Good now you three watch him. I don’t care if you stay here or go somewhere else, but don’t let him out of your sight. Got it?” I stated and I get three nods.

“Now let’s go get that son of a bitch,” I said cocking my gun.


“This is the place,” Zayn told Niall and I as I stopped the car in front of some building.“What’s the plan Harry? Are we just going to burst in?” Niall asked.

“I need you two to create a distraction while I go settle business with JD and get Sal the hell out of there,” I explained.

“What kind of distraction?” Zayn questioned.

“I don’t give a shit. I big one that keeps his boy distracted.”

They both nod and I hopped out of my car. The streets are empty, but it is five in the morning. I have my illegal gun on my hip. I’m ready to fuck shit up.

I've had this chapter for a few days, but I left town without my laptop. Now I'm back and here it is!!!


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