Chapter 13

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Harry right arm pulled back flexed before rolling his shoulder and slamming it back into Jacks face. He repeatedly did this. Harry was completely on top of Jack. Jack tried to fight back to set himself free from Harrys trap, but it was no use. Jack might be big, but Harry was huge. He was definitely the most muscular boy at school. He didn't seem to have any trouble with Jack's struggling to wiggle free.

"STOP!!" I screamed running up to them. Jack started to look my way but Harry punched his jaw.

"HARRY!!!!" I shouted. Harry didn't even blink. He could careless what I was saying.

"You worthless little shit! How dare you!" Harry growled kicking and hitting Jack. Jack threw a punch at Harry hitting the side of his face. Harry grabbed his arm and twisted it making screamed out.

I didn't know what to do. No one else was around to help me and I was afraid if I let to get help Harry could kill Jack. Why was Harry even attacking him? Harry wasn't changing. He was playing some sick game and because I am dating Jack we got involved.

I didn't even realize but my eyes were watery and one eye rushed down my left cheek. I do not cry. That is my one thing. I don't cry. I quickly wiped my eyes with my arm and tried to stop the fight.

"Stop!!! You're going to kill him!!! Harry stop!! Im begging you!" I shouted grabbing his arm and with all my strength pulling it away.

By now they were bloody and their untouched skin was turning back and blue.

Harry turned his head and locked eyes with me. He pulled back both of his hands and stood up. Jack immediately dropped everything and laid down on the cement heavily breathing. I stood up with Harry and stared at him and then down at his bloody and black fist.

I scared me, what he had just done. He could of had me so easily. I took a small step back away from Harry and kept my head down. I watched had Harrys feet turned around and disappeared along with the sounds of his footsteps.

I fell to the ground to aid Jack. His tab skin was covered in cuts. It was red, black and blue. His lip was busted and was bleeding. I grabbed the end of Jacks shirt and pulled it up revealing Jacks stomach also covered in bruises, to told it over his lip.

"Help!!!! Some get a teacher!!!" I yelled looking around.

"Jack," I breathed looking down at him.

"Just a few scratches," Jack laughed. He also had this dry sense of humor. He found everything funny no matter how bad it was.

"I think it's a little more than a few scratches," I told him as I ran my hands on his cheek and down his neck.

Soon a group of students and teacher ran out coming to help Jack. The hospital was called Jack was taken there. The dean asked me what had happened and I told him what I saw. He said that when Harry arrived at school tomorrow be would be talked to and suspended. I knew he would be.

I still don't understand why Harry did it? If it was to make me upset we did a damn well good job, but why drag Jack into our troubles and do something to get you in so much trouble? Like always Harry was so confusing.

So why do Harry beat Jack up?? Comment and vote!! xx love hearing your ideas :)

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