Chapter 24

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Harry was wearing a thin loose black t-shirt with a few buttons at the top when we arrived, but now he had tad started to work he had taken his t-shirt off leaving him in a black tight tank top. I could see all his tattoos clearly on his tanned muscles. He had tied his his back back in bandana. His toned body was sweaty from the summer heat. There were grease smudges on his face and muscles. He was glistening. He was a skateboard type thing on his back underneath the car that was eleavted off the ground. I knew I was staring at him, but I couldn't help it, Harry looked hot.

"Sal?" Harry called out.

I was snapped out of my daydreams and shook my head a little before answering Harry.


"Can you hand me the socket wrench?" Harry asked.

I walked over to the car and bent down. I looked into the tool box and saw about seven differerent wrench looking things in there. I furrowed my brow in confusion.


"Its skinny, shiny, and kinda looks like a tooth brush," Harry told me obviously knowing I had no idea anything about. I grabbed the wrench that best matched Harry's desprction and handed it to him. 

"Thanks babe," Harry told me taking it. He put the wrench on something I couldn't see and twisted it. 

"So what are you doing to this car?"

"It had a leak and I'm fixing it."

"Oh, that's cool. I don't know anything about cars," I laughed.

"I know pratically everything," Harry joined my laughing.

Harry finshed cranking the wrench and and pushed his self out from under the car. He had a few more grease and dirt stains on him. His sweaty tan body stood up as did I.

"You look really good right now," I purred against Harry's lips before closing the small gap between our lips.

"I do?" Harry asked raising a brow smiling before kissing me again.

I had my arms arounf Harry's neck, my wrist feeling his sweat and my fingers tugged at his curls. Harry groaned in pleasure sticking his tonue in my mouth. Harry had his arms around my waist pulling me closer and closer. Harry's body and mine fit together like to broken pieces joining one. The kiss deepened . One of Harry's hand wander to my bum making me yelp. Harry chuckled into the kiss.

"Harry get back to work!" I voice shouted making m eoul away from the kiss and Harry's grasp. I looked to the left to see an annoyed Fred.

"Do I need to remind you of something? Again," Harry said cooly wrapping his hand around my waist. Harry shot him an angry glare and muscles in his arms flexing.

Fred turned around quickly and went back to the many cars in the garage to work. Fred had to be impersonated my Harry. I mean who wouldn't? Harry was atleast 6'2 and had big muscles. With his tattoos and lack of smile Harry didn't look like a guy you wanted to mess with.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused of what Harry just told Fred.

"Fred has been in trouble in the past with some bad people," Harry said.

"What kind of toruble?" I know I was being nosy, but I am curious and Harry seems like he is willing to tell me.

 "Like gangs, alcohol, and drugs, but lets not talk about that kind of stuff. Lets get back to what we were doing," Harry winked leaning in.


"Do you wanna stay for dinner or I can take you home?" Harry asked.

"I'll stay. It's not like my dad is going to be home either way."

"Where will your dad be?" He asked curouis.

"At work. He's a a marine biologist," I explained.

"What about your mum?"


I knew he was going to ask about her sooner or later, but I was hoping later. I love Harry, a lot, but I still don't feel comfortable talking about my mum with him. It is still a touchy subject in my life and it always will be. I want to tell Harry, just not right now.

"Um, I don't really want to talk about her," I told him quietly. Harry walked uo from behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my shoulder.

"You sure?"


"Ok, but if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here to listen if you ever need me to."
I turned my head around and kissed his cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you too"

After a few minutes of just standing there, Harry finally said something.

"So I don't really make food other than mac-n-cheese, breakfast stuff, or sanwhiches. Any of thoughs interest you?" Harry told me me slightly laughing,

"Mac-n-cheese," I smiled.

"Mac-n-cheese it will be."

As Harry made mac-n-cheese, I sat on the couch on the long L part. I pulled out my phone to see a had a few text. One from my dad and a few from other and the girls.

To: Sal    From: Dad

I wont be home until tomorrow morning.

Big surpise there.

To: Sal     From: Laura

You wanna hang out tonight? xx

To: Sal     From: Laura

Sorry I can't Ive already got other plans

To: Sal     From: Laura

plans with Jack ;)

Thoughts of Jack from earlier fled my mind makig me shiver. He disgusted me. All he wanted to do was fuck me and told me every other guy felt the same. These boys are animals. I wanted to tell Harry what Jack did, but I can only imagine his reaction. Harry beat the shit of Jack for cheating on me when I didn't even know anout his feelings, imagine what Harry would do if he figured out Jack tried to take me and rape me. Harry would kill Jack, no doubt in mind. I really didn't want that to happen, so I needed a way to tell Harry without his freaking out.

To: Laura   From: Sal

No, I dumped him

To: Sal     From: Laura


To: Laura   From: Sal

yeah he ended up being a jerk, but im fine and happy! ive gotta go bye :)

I clicked my phone off beofre slipping it into my pocket. I looked up to see Harry tolding to bowls on Macoroni and Cheese. He also had two water botlles for us.

Harry and I spent the rest of the night eating, watching movies, telling jokes, and stealing a kiss or two or even more. Harry had gotten us both blankets to snuggled up in. I had my head laying on Harry's chest and our legs intwerwined. That night I fell asleep in the arms of the mysterious boy I love, Harry Styles.

Oh my god. So I posted this chapter last night, but then this morning I deleted it my accident and i hadn't saved it yet. So I had to rewrie the entire thing!

I hope you like this chapter! Please comment and vote it makes me want to update more often!! :)

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