Chapter 9

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I walked up stairs after the most awkward moment of my life.

I set down my things on my bed and walked into my bathroom to take a shower. The warm water felt soo good on my cold skin. I got out and let my hair air dry. I put on comfy clothes and started my work.

For dinner I ordered Chinese because my dad was out. Again. It was getting late but I wanted to draw. I opened my bag to get my sketch book, but I couldn't find it. I looked in my jacket pocket but it wasn't their either.

Time to panic.

I rushed around my room mumbling a things about what could happen if it fell into the wrong hands or something. I destroyed my room looking for it. I flipped over my mattress and took all my books of the shelf. I cleared out my closet and bathroom. I searched downstairs flipping over couch pillows and I even pulled things out of the fridge. It was no where.

I sat down trying to remember where I had it last but I couldn't remember. Did I have when I left school? I think but maybe it fell out of my hand. Or I lost in the rain. What if someone has it and looks through it? I would die. Absolutely die. All my work would be seen, criticized, and destroyed. I started to cry thinking about all the horrible possibilities.

My head was spinning giving me a major headache. It was past midnight now and the house was a mess and I need to sleep. I groaned and went up stairs. I couldn't fall asleep not knowing where my book was. I laid awake staring at my ceiling. Everyone so often I would drift in and out, but I never went fully asleep.

When heard my alarm go off, I slammed snooze. I didn't care if I was late. By 7 was up knowing I would be so late and look horrible. I grudged downstairs. I made a cup of coffee and went back upstairs. It was too late to take a shower so I just changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt. I washed my face and wore my hair in a ponytail. I didn't put on any make up. I knew I was a mess and Laura was going to be here any minute. I took a deep breath and took another sip of my coffee. When I went downstairs I poured my self some more coffee in a to-go cup and sat down.

The honk of the horn signaled Laura was here. I walked out my house my eyes barely open and into her car.

"Woah, Sal umm," Laura murmured.

"I know. I know. I look horrible. I never fell asleep and I'm so tired," I explained closing my eyes and leaning back against the seats.

"Why?" Laura asked concern in her voice.

"I had things on my mind," I told her.

Laura was really my best friends even though I just met her, but I feel like I've known her my whole life, but I was not telling her about the sketchbook. I also wasn't going to tell her about Harry driving me home yesterday. No one needed to know that. I still can't believe he did that. I wouldn't of been surprised if he drove right by me. I was too tired to think about anything. None the less Harry.

Laura kept quiet the rest of the ride as did I. The radio played softly making it not completely silent. When we arrived at school Laura let me borrow some of her makeup she had in her purse. I put it on in the car and fixed my hair a little still leaving it up. Laura said I looked good boosting my confidence on my sloppy look.

We walked in together meeting the girls. We made talk before heading to classes. I decided not to stop by my locker and just carry around all my books in case Harry was there.

My first three classes were good. People didn't say I looker bad either which helped. I had class with Jack in one so it was really great. I had Art next and in a way I was dreading it, but I was also excited. I couldn't stop thinking about my sketch pad. It was making me sick to my stomach.

I walked into Art with a frown on my face. I sat at one of the desk in the back which I never do. I closed my eyes. I wanted to go to the nurse and tell her that I wasn't feeling well and I just needed to rest.

I opened my eyes again when the hell rang to beginning class. I looked around locking eyes with Harry. He sat in front of me and one over the right his usual spot. He quickly looked away and to his desk.

What the hell? No snappy or snarky remarks? I stared at the back on his head wondering what just happened.

Maybe he feels awkward about yesterday. Maybe he finally has given up this stupid shenanigan. My thoughts pondered.

"Class," Ms White announced, "today we are going to take a break from our projects. For now you must work on them at home. For the rest of the week you will be working in a group of 4 talking about and sketching reflections. I will put you into groups."

I wasn't too good at reflections. I had tried before, but I don't think I was too great.

As I saw how Ms White picked the groups I wanted to smack myself. She was grouping us by snaking the desk. I would of sat in my usual spot I would of had a better group. Of I sat here and I would be in a group with....

But the teacher finished my thought.

"And Harry," Ms White finished calling the names in my group. Harry turned around and looked at me giving me a smirk.

He's back.

Sorry for not updating. I started work this week! The next chapter will have Harry's POV! Please keep commenting and voting!!! Also tell me what you think or want to happen!!! Love you guys!! :)

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