Chapter 16

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During art class, I talked to Ms White about my work and showed her more of my sketches. She kept telling me how talented I was and asked where did I learn to do this. I wasn't going to tell her. No one knew and this secret I planned on keeping.

After school I went to find Jack to tell him the great news, well kinda great. I just wish someone would of run this past me, but I course this was the doing of Harry, so this was the best I was going to get. When I told jack he was so happy for me. I let him look at my work and he said he would help me take my artwork to school on Thursday.

I didn't know what to tell my dad when I got home. I would just tell him my artwork was really good so I getting a little section at the art show and then it's going to a museum. But I hadn't even told my dad about the art show, none the less that I painted and such.

Of course I told the girls and Laura about everything. They were so happy for me too and couldn't wait to go to the art show and see the rest of my stuff.

Jack drove me home. We were pulling out of the schools parking lot when Jack turned the music down.

"I was thinking because you got this amazing opportunity that we should celebrate. My parents are out of town this weekend, so I am going to throw a party after the art show. In honor of you," Jack told me.

"Oh Jack you don't have to," I said.

"No, no. I want to and it would be so much fun."

"Ok," I smiled and leaned over and kissed the corner Jack's lips.


My dad was happy for me and actually paid attention to me for at least a few minutes. He said he wouldn't be able to come to the art show though, too much work. I wasn't expecting him to be able to. I was still a little disappointed though. I mean this is the only really big thing that happened to me and he can't even come for half an hour.

It was Thursday morning and over Jack was helping me bring my painting to school. He was carrying the larger ones down the stairs. I decided to bring all of my some what good ones. That was 11 painting not including my art show one. So 12 overall.

We drove to school with the newest pop song playing. Jacks party was a go for tomorrow night and everyone was really excited.

When we got to school some people helped me take my art inside to where it was stored in the closet in the art room. I had given each piece a name and a little description.

It was almost the end of the day and I was walking down the hall heading towards to plaza to sit down and study during my free period. Finals were going to be here before I knew it so I was going to start studying early.

There was only one table left available when I walked over there in the corner covered by the trees. I was almost there went Harry, dressed in all black like always, sat down at that table. I rushed over there.

"Seriously?!" I snapped slamming my books down on the table.

"What's the matter love?" He asked with a smirk plastered across his face. He knew exactly what he did.

"You saw me coming over here to this table and you sat down. You don't even have any books!" I said trying my best not to yell.

"Sure I do," Harry said pulling out a tiny black notepad and a pen from his jean pocket.

"I hate you."

"Oh come on angel."

"Stop calling me love or angel!"

"Ok babe," he winked.

"Fuck you," I spat. I was getting sick of his attitude.

"You know you want to. Since the day we met. You always have," Harry said standing up and leaning in close. I didn't have to look around to know everyone else outside was watching us.

"Explains why I turned you down when you forced yourself on me!" I yelled.

Our faces were so close now. I was on my tippy toes and Harry was staring down at me, so we both close to the same level.

Harry just chuckled. And leaned into by ear.

"I don't even know why I waste my time on you," he hissed.

Ouch. That hurt more than usual. I know Harry was mean and that shouldn't hurt, but somehow it did.

I rolled my eyes pretending not to care before collecting my books and walked away.

I was fucking done with Harry Styles.

Hopefully you liked this chapter!!! Please tell me what you think! Just to warn you in two or three chapter there will be mature sexual content. Comment and vote!! Xx

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