Chapter 25

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It was Monday morning and I was a little nervous to see how school would go now that Harry and I are keeping out relationship I secret. We will still have to act like me hate each other too, if we don't want and suspicions.

I am scared out of my mind thinking about Jack. I know he will be at school, well at least I think. What if he tries again? What if no one is around to hear me scream? What if he takes me? Thoughts rushed into my head making it spin. I’ll just have to stay near lots of people today. News should spread fast that I dumped Jack too. Maybe then he will stay away.

Laura picked me up from school and refused to drive until I explained why I broke up with Jack. I didn’t tell her that he cheated or anything, just that he was getting boring and was rude to me. She understood and started talking about one of her ex-boyfriends. I pretend to listen and nodded every once and a while, but I really couldn’t stop thinking about the day to come.

We arrived at school, just like every morning and made our way over to the others. I explained to them the whole Jack thing. They kept comforting me like I should be sad, but I’m not. I have Harry now; I’m on top of the world.

I haven’t seen Harry since I got here, which I don’t know is a good or bad thing. I want to see him, but then we would have to have a fake argument. First class started, I had English with Sal. It was just like the first day I was here. To think so much has changed since then. I remember asking about Harry and then hating him. I couldn’t help but laugh now.

Harry was already in the room when I got there. I was about to smile and go up to him, but I remembered that I couldn’t. This was going to be harder than I thought. I sat down in front of Harry, next to Sal. I could tell her was nervous with Harry and I sitting so close.

“Class, we are going to have a discussions today in groups of three. I will pair you up,” Mr. Stokes announced. Sal looked over at me hopeful and I did the same. I part of me wanted to work with Harry too, but I have no idea how that would go.

“Sal, Laura, and Harry, you’re a group. Girls please try to keep Mr. Styles on task, thank you,” the teacher said.

“Looks like we’ll be working together,” I heard Harry’s voice behind me hiss.

“Unfortunately,” I snapped.

I heard Laura giggle a little and I smiled. It was enough for her to believe, but will we have to keep this up all class?

“Please get to work!” Mr. Stokes said. I turned my desk around and so did Laura moving closer to my desk.

“Sooo..,” Laura mumbled.

“Let’s just get this thing over with,” I said.

“You don’t like being with me?” Harry asked his voice cold.

 “No, why would I?”

“Oh c’mon baby.”

“Don’t call me that,” I snapped.

 “You and Jack are over, so what’s stopping you?”

 “My morals and dignity.”

 Harry chuckled and I rolled my eyes like I have many times before.

“Can we just start,” Laura interrupted.

“Please,” I groaned.

The group discussion went well. We were talking about some poem were supposed to read as homework, but I think Laura guessed that both Harry and I hadn’t read it. All yesterday we were together, and I just completely forgot about homework. Harry doesn’t usually do it either way.

The bell rang and I stood up turning my desk around. I was about to leave when Harry’s arm stopped me.

“Yeah?” I asked, but then realized what I just did and said ‘what’ in a much ruder tone.

“We're going somewhere later. I’ll pick you up at five. Wear a dress.” He whispered in my ear before passing right by me and out the door.

“What was that?” Laura asked me confused.

“Him being a asshole,” I replied.

“No I mean what did he say to you? You smiled afterwards?”

Shit. Did I? I didn’t mean to. I just happen on instinct I guess.

“It was nothing. I promise,” I lied.

 "Whatever you say,” she said as we depart out separate ways.


The rest of the day was fine. Jack sent me glares during out glasses together. I was really nervous that he was going to do something, but he never did. Laura didn’t ask any questions about Jack or Harry for the rest of the day, which was a huge relief. In Art, Ms. White told everybody about the museum and how the opening was today. Harry sent me a smile and I bit my lip. I really did have Harry to thank for this and I am so grateful. I don’t like to admit it, but I would have never showed anyone my work, unless Harry had done that for me.

Harry had told me he would be here at five and it almost is. I had put on a nice dress like he requested, but I have no idea why. I guess we are going to do something, but Harry doesn’t seem like the die-hard romantic, but I’m okay with that. I love him just the way he is.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to see Harry in his normal attire. Black shirt and dark jeans. Every so often he will wear I white shirt, which I like because I can see his tattooed covered body through it.

“Hi,” Harry winked taking me hand and walking to the car. Harry opened the door for me and then got in on his side.

“So are you gonna tell me where we are going?” I asked.

“To an art museum, to see a certain someone’s art on display.”

“You want to go see my art?” I asked surprised.

“Of course. I thought that this would be fun. I love art and you’re amazing at it. Also if you want we can check out the other stuff, but if you don’t we’ll do whatever,” Harry explained.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek as we drove off down the road.

“Thank you. I would love that.”

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