Chapter 27

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Harry’s POV

Sal and I drove back in silence. She looked unhappy with me, but I needed to go do something and Fred had made me mad. My hand’s gripped the steering wheel tightly thinking about Fred’s actions. I stopped the car in front of Sal’s house and let out a small sigh. I felt bad about making her go home. I wanted her to stay and she did too, but I have important matters to take care of. She opened the door of the car and without thinking or hesitation I put on hand on her shoulder stopping her.

“I love you,” I said quietly smiling slightly.

“I love you,” she whispered. I leaned into Sal and kissed her cheek slightly. She got out of the car and walked towards her house. I didn’t drive away, until I knew she was safe inside. But as soon as she was I sped off into town.

Fred has screwed up big time and of course I had to clean up his mess. He is always so careless and no idea he is going to blow the whole operation. I can’t let that happen. The police would get involved and JD would surely figure out where I was, where I’ve been hiding all these years.

I drove into town, into the bad part of town. Fred was at the place I’ve names headquarters, well because it’s where everything happens pretty much. It’s this old abandon building that Fred, others, and myself put together. It’s nothing fancy, just a big empty warehouse, but its perfect for this line of work. I finally arrived and parked my car outside. I hopped out and hurried inside.

“Fred!” I bellowed when I was inside, sure enough my voice echoed through out the place, so I knew Fred had to have heard me. He came out of one of the side rooms. He looked upset, but I didn’t give a shit. He screwed up, again.

“Hey Haz,” He said trying to calm me down by calling me my nickname from many years back.

“Don’t fucking ‘hey Haz’ me. You messed up! Where the hell are the rest of the guys?” I snapped.

Fred didn’t say anything, but point to the room he came out of.

“Get out here!” I shouted.  The other five men came out followed me Jesy, the only girl on this ‘team’. There were seven of us and I was the leader.

“How are things coming?” I questioned the others. There was Joey, also from where I work at the auto care shop, Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn.

“Good," Joey said. 

"Until dipshit over here made Mr. West mad,” Niall added gesturing to Fred.

“What the hell did you even say to him?” I demanded of Fred.

“I don’t know I was drunk and I guess I told him, we might be ripping him off,” Fred mumbled, “now he wants us to cut our prices in half for him.”

“Damn it. Mr. West was out biggest consumer. Most our you income!” I yelled at Fred.

“How are we going to fix this?” Louis asked.

“I’m thinking,” I said. I looked down the line of my team before my eyes landed on Jesy. Jesy…

“Hey Jesy, don’t you look nice today,” I said making sure to be extra nice.

Jesy was a slut at the least, but she was a good worker and a good shag. We had fucked a few times in the past, but we haven’t in a while and now since I have Sal, there is no need for those kind of things anymore.

“Oh god, what do I have to do?” She huffed. Jesy was the only one that was allowed to be rude to me because she knew I wouldn’t hit her, yes yell, but never hit. I would beat the shit of any of these guys if they treated me the way Jesy treats me

“Fuck him,” I replied casually.

“Mr. West?!” She exclaimed.

“Yes Mr. West.”

“Why should I?” She snapped. Fuck she is annoying.

“Because I’m in charge, and this job pays your bills, so if you want to keep off the streets I suggest you listen to me,” I said rudely.

“I’ll do it, but how the hell is sleeping with him going to help?”

“Just fuck him and tell to pay full price, he’ll do it in a heart beat.”

She rolled her eyes and picked at her fake nails.

“Zayn, when is your cousin coming with the package?” I asked him.

“Tomorrow. He’s bringing lots,” Zayn answered. I nodded

“Any new customers?” I asked everyone.

“I think I’ve got one,” Liam said.


“Yeah, drives a Ferrari and wears nice clothes,” he told me. I smiled and nodded.

“Any other news?”

Everyone shook his or her head.

“You’re dismissed. Go home if you like, I don’t care,” I waved them off. They all turned around to leave.

“Fred,” I called out anger still present in your voice, “I still need to talk to you.”

He gulped and walked back over to me.

“One more screw up and you’re out,” I said coldly.

He nodded.

“Get out of here.”

He quickly walked out of the warehouse leaving me alone. I looked around the place. I wasn’t proud of it, but I have come a long away. I sighed before heading towards the door. I turned off the lights and left the large building. I got in my car and drove home.

When I arrived, I got into bed. I grabbed my phone off the side table and pulled up Sal’s contact. I wanted to text her and say I was sorry for earlier tonight. I really didn’t mean to mean to her, but Fred rustled me up. She might be asleep, but at least she would get my text in the morning.

To: Sal   From: Harry

I apologize for tonight. Something came up and I got upset. I didn’t mean to rude to you. I don’t know if you’re awake or not, but sweet dreams my angel. Love you. H .xx


So I didn't say what Harry's other profession is, but I bet some of you can guess! Oh la la! Vote and comment! xx

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