Chapter 31

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"Stay close," Harry told me as we walked towards the building. He walked next to me interlocking our finger and squeezing my hand lightly.

"This is his house?" I asked confused.

"Nah, he know the owner if this club. Got the place for the night," Harry explained. I nodded. I have never been to club before. I had just turned 18 in March, so I wasn't old enough anywhere.

"You haven't ever been clubbing before, have you?" Harry asked. I guess he must have sensed my sudden nervousness.

"I haven't," I said slightly embarrassed. I know what happens at these types of things I like though. People drink, dance, and have fun.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll have lots of fun," Harry whispered into my ear. His curls ticked my neck. I could almost hear the smirk on his face. He tugged at my ear with his teeth and I swatted him away laughing.

We walked up to the building and I could tell now it was a club now. There was a man outside and Harry looked over at him once, and the man opened the door immediately. Does Harry come here often? It would seem like he does? Or maybe he is friends with the man?

Harry and I walked through the doors and Harry key go of me for a second before his hand snaked around my waist. He had a tighter grip than before. He was much more possessive of me.

Inside was a large room. Booths cover the walls and in the back were tall tables for people to stand at and have a drink. There was a bar packed with alcohol. There was a DJ stand and a large dance floor. The placed was already packed with people.

Harry kept walking taking me with him like he knew exactly where to go. He walked up to booth with never boys siting there. Two of them were smoking. They all had tattoos like Harry. Some more and some less. One was a blonde boy who was taking a shot.

"Niall!" Harry cheered grabbing the shoulder from behind the blonde one.

"Harry! You made it," Niall smiled. His eyes traveled to me and his eyes opened.

"And who is this?" He asked.

"She's mine," Harry growled and Niall took a small step back. I rolled my eyes at Harry's aggressive behavior.

"I'm Sal," I smiled. Niall smiled back and looked me up and down. I felt dirty. I wished that I had worn my normal clothes, like a jeans and a t-shirt. Not skinny jeans and a "hot" top.

I looked over at the other boys at the table. The two that were smoking had the most tattoos. One had olive skin, and dark black hair in a quiff. He had an amazing jaw-line and a good smile. The other had brown fringy styled hair and blue eyes. He blew out a ring of smoke from his mouth.

The other had brown hair in a mohawk/quiff kinda hairstyle. Like the others he also had stumble growing. He had large brown eyes and looked nice.

The boy next to him looked very familiar. I think he works at the auto mechanic place with Harry. He has light brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm Zayn," the olive skin toned boy said.

"Louis," the other boys smoking told me.

"I'm Liam," the next boy said.

"And I'm Joey, glad we can properly meet each other," the last boy informed me. I knew I knew him.

Harry's gripped around me tightened and I tried my best to wiggle so it would loosen, but Harry wasn't having it.

Harry sat us down. I was on the inside of him, so I was next to Harry and Joey, and I was across from Zayn.

"You wanna drink?" Harry asked me.

"Um yeah, get me whatever," I told Harry. Harry nodded and squeezed my thigh making me squeak. Harry chuckled. I had never actually had alcohol, but I didn't want anyone knowing that. I also wasn't planning on getting drunk and I hope Harry isn't either.

"Boys," Harry warned giving them all death glares before leaving the table and heading towards the bar.

"So Sal, you're Harry's girl?" Niall asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. I can't believe Harry left me alone with 5 boys in a club and I have no idea who they are. I know they're Harry's friends, but that doesn't help the fact that I have no idea what to say or do.

"You seem no innocent for him," Louis told me.

I was a little taken back by his comment. Why does everyone think I'm innocent? Like I was sure as hell this outfit have off the vibe that I wasn't some scared little girl, which I wasn't. I am very independent and like to stand my ground. I know I am extremely stubborn and an active imagination, but that's who I am.

"That's what you think," I told Louis a little on the rude side. I flipped my hair over my shoulder when I turned my head to wait for Harry's arrival back to the table. I wanted to show him that I wasn't some girl Harry got to push around.

The other the boys howled and whistled at my comment and laughed at Louis a bit. I smiled at my success as Harry came back to beers in hand.

"If you don't like this one, and I can get you another one," Harry explained handing me the glass bottle.

"This one will be fine," I told him kissing this cheek. Harry bit his lip looking over at me bringing the bottle to his pink lips. He took a sip and I knew I should too. I mirrored Harry's action, but I took a smaller sip. It had a weird taste, that burned my throat as it went down. I hated it and loved it all at the same time.

"You smoke?" Zayn asked offering be a cigarette.

"No," I replied simply.

Smoking is horrible for your body and I plan on never doing it. He nodded and took back his cigarette.

"Jesy told me she took care of our problem," Joey said to Harry. Who's Jesy?

Harry sent Joey a panicked and angry glare and and then looked at me. I looked back and forth between the two boys. What's going on?

"What?" Joey asked.

"Shutup," Harry snapped.

"Oh my cousin has more stuff," Zayn added. Harry looked like he was going to exploded.

"Sal, lets to dance, I'll be out there in a minute," Harry said pulling me out of the booth. I wasn't pleased but his forceful actions and I was confused about what the other boys are talking about, but I was excited to dance with Harry.

I started to walk towards the dance floor, but curiosity got the best of me. I walked back to the booth and stood behind it, so I could hear their conversation. I know this is rude, but I don't like people keeping secrets from me.

"Harry," I heard a one of the boys say.


"Fred, just texted me. Guess who's here in Brighton," the same boy said. I think it was Niall.

"Just fucking tell me," Harry demanded. I could tell he was annoyed.


"What!? Why the hell is doing here?!" Harry shouted making me jump a little.

"Fred says there's word he's coming here right now."

"Shit. Damn it I need to leave. Bye," Harry said. I hurried back to the dance floor and stood there with my hand on my hip like I had been waiting for Harry. So many questions were spinning inside my head about the boys' conversation. Harry walked towards me and looked angry, really angry.

"We have to go," Harry told me taking me by the hand and walking towards the door.

"Why?" I asked.

"We just need to leave."

I huffed not happy with Harry's answer, but he seemed to be shaken up about this JD guy, so I listened. We got to the car and Harry drove quickly breaking laws back to his house. When we inside his house Harry started to calm down, but he kept pacing.

"Harry?" I asked a little worried.

"Hm?" He answered.

"What's wrong? I know something is wrong, please don't lie to me," I told him grabbing his hand as he walked by.

"Sal, I can't tell you. I'm sorry, but I can't. It's for your own protection," Harry said.

This is ridiculous," I groaned standing up and walking into the kitchen.

"Don't be mad."

"Well, I kinda am. I'm not some little girl, I can take care of myself."

"This issue is a little bigger than you, I just don't want you to get hurt."

"Fine, don't tell me. I don't care."

"Baby, I'm sorry. I love too much to let anything happen to you."

He was just trying to be protective and sweet and I knew it. But my alter ego was too proud to be pushed around.

"I love you," I finally said as Harry pulled me tight into his arms.

Bad chapter I know, but please VOTE AND COMMENT!!! XX

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