Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

I gave Sal a grin making her roll her eyes and me laugh. I stared at her. She wasn't wearing her usual clothes. She wore sweats and a t-shirt. I liked it.

"I don't like to be stared at," Sal snapped at me.

"I was just thinking about all the wonderful things I could do to you" I lied in a seductive tone leaning into her desk. She scoffed and turned away. I chuckled again turning back into my seat.

"Sal, Chase, Maisie, and Harry your group can go work on the green roof. Bring your notepads and pencils," Ms White instructed.

I gabbed mine things and hurried out the door. I had never been to the schools roof. Never cared about it it anything else here. I ready to graduate and get on with my life.

I hear foot steps behind me as I walked down the hall. I walked towards the stairs to go to the top floor. I heard whispers from Sal and Maisie I think.

When we reached the top floor I turned to the outdoor stairwell door. The stairs let straight up I'm pretty sure. We walked up.

The green roof was big. It had a stone ground and there was flowers and plants everywhere. There was a cover in the corner with a few desk. It was really sunny out and there was a little bit of a breeze.

We sat down at the table and were silent. Sal avoided eye contact with me even though we sat directly across from each other. It was very evident that we were all very uncomfortable with this group. Sal and I hate each, I'm sure that Maisie and I almost fucked, and Chase is some loser that no one cares about. So we've got the most popular girl in a school, a slut, a loser, and me, Harry.

"Soooo," Sal mumbled.

"Let's just do this bloody project," I grumbled.

"So who here can draw the best?" Chase asked. We all shrugged.

"How bout we all draw a reflection of the sky in the water or something real quickly and we'll compare," Sal suggested.

Maisie and Chase agreed, but I didn't say anything. I grabbed my pencil and started drawing. Art was the one thing I was good at. I knew I was no Picasso, but I could better than some kids. I sketch a lake and did a night sky sketching the reflection of the stars in the water.

I was done with my sketch in a matter of minute. I looked up to see the other still working. I rolled my eyes and started adding details to mine. I looked again at Sal. She had a puzzled expression on her face. She drew a something, but then made a sour face and erased it. She did this several more time before sighing. She looked up and caught be watching her.

"Seriously, stop staring," Sal threatened.

"Whatever you say babe," I smirked looking back at my paper.

About 5 minutes later we were all done and were ready to share. Chase shared his first but I barley paid attention. Then Maisie, I didn't even listen during hers. Sal was next.

She slowly turned around her paper to reveal her picture.

Chase and Maisie both gasped at her sketch.

It was amazing. Her lines were light and smooth. She had done a sunset and even with color is was beautiful. She had made is cliche and had the ocean to have her reflection, but it was so unique. The waves in the water were almost life like and the reflection was so surreal.

"Amazing," I muttered.

"What?" Sal asked confused.

"Nothing," I said quietly looking down.

I don't care how amazing that drawing is there was no way I was going to tel her that it was perfect. I don't understand why she kept looking at her paper earlier like she her drawing was horrible. Couldn't she see it was flawless?

"Sal, that's the best drawing I've seen," Chase said to her in a quiet voice obviously intimidated by her and her popularity status.

"You're too kind," Sal laughed turning her notepad around to look at her work.

"No it is," Maisie said.

"Really?" Sal asked confused. "This isn't even some of my best work."

I opened my mouth to agree with the others, but quickly closed it.

"Any comments Harry?" Sal asked ready to fire back anything I was about to say.

"Oh I've got plenty of things to say," I growled.

"About my drawing?" Sal snapped.

"About everything," I said in a deep voice leaning back in my chair.

Sal shook her head rolling her eyes like she always did when we fought. She ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Your turn," she smirked when she opened her eyes looking straight into mine.

I didn't really want to show anyone my drawing. It was nothing compared to Sal's, but I wasn't going to say that. I knew I was okay at Art. I had a good teacher way back. I sighed and turned my notepad around.

All three of them looked at it and nodded their heads. Sal opened her mouth to say something, but didn't. She left her moth slightly ajar. I had no idea what that meant especially for Sal.

Before anyone could say anything the bell rang signaling class was over.

Thank god.

Sorry for the bad update and that it took so long. The next update will be better! Please tell me your theories in the comments and don't forget to vote! :) xx

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