Chapter 42

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I don’t know how long laid on the couch thinking, but it was now dark outside so I knew it had been several hours. I heard Harry going upstairs a few hours ago. Even after all this time I don’t know what to think. I love Harry, but I hate him being a drug dealer. I am also terrified for him because JD is trying to kill him. I want to distance myself from Harry, but I can’t when I know he isn’t safe.

I was exhausted, but I somehow couldn’t fall asleep. I know it was stupid, but I stood from the couch and walked up the stairs. I should probably go into the extra bedrooms and sleep, but I found myself in front of Harry’s door at the end of the hall. I stood at the end in front of the door and contemplated opening the door or not, but I finally twisted the knob and pushed it open.

Harry was in bed under the comforter his back facing me. He didn’t move when he heard me. I don’t even know if he was awake or not. I slipped off my shoes and I took off my bra keeping my shirt on before crawling in bed on the side I sleep on. Harry’s face was to me now and his eyes were shut. I slipped in bed making sure not to lay too close to Harry. I closed my eyes trying to sleep, but I felt Harry’s strong arms around my waist as he pulled my back against his chest.

“I love you baby,” he mumbled into my ear.

I didn’t know how to respond. Obviously I still love Harry, but I was mad at him. I closed my eyes once and again and nuzzled into the pillow that Harry and I shared. I felt his steady heart and breathing knowing he was asleep before I too drifted into unconsciousness.


My eyes opened widely and I jumped when I heard the crack of thunder soon followed by lightening. I had never been to found of thunderstorms; they have freaked me out ever since I was little. I peaked over at the clock on the side table. It was early morning, but it was so dark outside I would of never known.

“Angel?” Harry asked. I loved his morning voice.

“Hmmm,” I murmured still exhausted. I jumped again at the sound of thunder in Harry’s arms.

“It’s okay. Just a storm,” Harry comforted me rubbing my back and closing the space between out bodies.

This is what I love about Harry not only is he very attractive, but he is also so caring. Some part of me thought because he I knew he was a drug dealer now that he would not be as nice and caring. I’ve always pictured those types of people not to have a piece of love in their heart. Well I do know that Harry does have anger inside of him and I keep figuring out why. I know he hates Jack and anyone who he sees as competition for me, which I think, is crazy. I love Harry and only Harry. I also just learned that he didn’t have a good childhood; he didn’t have any friends and he was picked on. Also he ran away from home at just fourteen. That’s horrible. And to add on to that he a drug dealer and someone is trying to kill me!

But I know underneath all of that Harry is the boy I feel head of heels for; the boy I gave everything to.

“I don’t like thunder,” I pouted.

“The storm will be over soon.”

“But until then we can snuggle in bed,” he added.

“You know I’m still not completely happy with you,” I told him.

“I know, but can we just forget about that for an hour and enjoy this.”

“Ok, but I want to talk later,” I sighed and snuggled into Harry’s chest.


Harry’s POV

Sal had fallen back to sleep in less than ten minutes. Her hair lay perfectly sprawled out behind her head. Sal was perfect everything about her was perfect. Her hair was a beautiful golden brown. Her skin was pale making her look doll like. Her lips were this shade of pink that I don’t think I could ever make no matter how paints I mixed. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown unlike any others. And her smile, her smile made my heart leap. Her body was perfect. She was too skinny like most girls either. I knew she was self-conscious and the reason why; I have no idea. She tries to cover herself up like she is afraid to show the world how beautiful she is. I am so grateful she is all mine. I’ve never felt this way before, but Sal does these things to me that I can’t even explain. She was flawless and she didn’t even try.

My phone interrupted my thoughts. I quickly reached over to grab it hoping it didn’t make my sleeping beauty.

“What?” I hissed into my phone upset that some had called so early. I didn’t even bother to check who it was.

“Harry,” the person on the other line said happily.


“What the fuck do you want JD?” I spat. I made sure to speak quietly not wanting to wake Sal.

“Good to hear you’re still well. Oh how am I? I’m great,” he said sarcastically.

“I don’t give I shit how you are.”

“I’m hurt.”


“Harry let’s just cut to chase. You know I am here.”

“And where would that be exactly?”

“Brighton, don’t play dumb with me.”

“So you think I’m in Brighton.”

“Oh Harry I know you’re in Brighton.”


“I saw you and that girl,” he added.

He saw Sal. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“Don’t bring her into this. What do you want from me?” I growled.

“Well I did want your head on a stick, but now that I know how you feel about this girl… I want her.”

“Fuck no. Kill me instead.”

If JD even came close to Sal, I would kill him. I wouldn’t think twice about it. There was no way that JD will never harm her.

“Really? Your life for some girl?” JD laughed.

“I said leave her out of this. She hasn’t done anything to you.”

“Except make you vulnerable which makes me happy.”

“Fuck you. I’m not vulnerable.”

JD just laughed and I wanted to punch the smug smile off his face that I knew he was wearing.

“See you around kid.”

 He ended the call.


That’s what he used to call me.

He never called me Harry, only kid. It annoyed the shit out of me, but I never said anything.

I threw my phone across the room in anger.

How dare he fucking bring Sal into this?! Who the fuck does he think he is?! I will fucking kill him in an instant if he dare lays a finger on her perfect skin.

I looked down at Sal and brushed the hair that had fallen in front of her face to the side of her head. She looked so sweet and innocent. She had no idea what she had jus gotten herself into.



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