Chapter 47

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*Get your ass back to the warehouse now*

I slammed down on the send button sending the message to all the boys. I was half way home when JD called me and slammed on my brakes almost causing a wreck when I heard Sal’s voice. I had made a quick U-turn and headed back to the warehouse. JD had hung up on me as soon as I began to yell making me slam down on the steering wheel.

I pulled into the lot quickly making my car screeching, but I didn’t give a fuck. I wanted to fucking kill someone. I jumped out of the car and rushed inside. My head was spinning and I was shaking. I cannot believe he has her

“Fuck!” I screamed flipping the table over.

“Woah mate calm down,” Louis voice said making me whip around. Liam and Zayn were with him.

“Don’t tell me to fuck calm down! JD took Sal!” I shouted.

“Oh my god. Harry.. I don’t… I’m so sorry,” he rambled as Fred, Joey and Niall walked through the doors.

“What happened?” Fred asked.

“JD has Sal!” I yelled.

All their mouths the ‘o’ shape and growled. I need to punch something. Zayn began to pull put a cigarette and a lighter.

“Give me one,” I demanded.

“But you don’t smoke anymore…” Zayn trailed off.

“Just give me one god dammit!”

Zayn quickly handed me one and I snatched the lighter out of his hand. I haven’t smoked in about a year, but I don’t give a fuck. All I care about is getting Sal back and then crushing JD’s skull against a brick wall.

“What do you want us to do?” Liam asked.

“Find where she is. I don’t care what is takes. If you need money I’ll give you the money. Just fucking find her,” I ordered. They all began to take out their phones and dialed numbers. I blew a smoke ring and started to think about JD’s death.

My phone began to ring and I answered the call immediately.

“Harry,” Sal voice breathed.

“Baby where are you?” I rushed. All the boys got quiet and huddled around me.

“You can’t come looking for me.”


“He said if you come he would kill you. He said he would let me go tomorrow afternoon. I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t understand what JD is capable of. I’m coming to get you.”

“No you’re not. I’ll be fine. I love you.”

The line went dead.

I called back, but the line was disconnected.

“Shit,” I cursed. “I’m going to go looking.”

“She just said let her don’t come get her, he'll kill you,” Joey said.

“I don’t give a damn what she said. I’m getting her back.”

“Call me as soon as you hear anything,” I ordered rushing out of the room. I began to dial the number that JD keeps calling me on.

“Pick up, pick up,” I muttered.

“Calling already?” JD’s voice rung trough my ears.

“Don’t you lay a finger on her,” I warned.

“Oh c’mon I just want to have a little fun,” he chuckled making my blood boil.

“I will fucking kill you.”

“You know I keep on telling her she can leave, but she says she is doing this for you,” he said ignoring my threat.

“I also have to say she’s quite fit and feisty. Good choice. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to resist,” he added.

“You bastard!” I screamed.

Then he ended the call. Why the fuck to people keep hanging up on me?!

 Sal’s POV

“Your boy is very upset,” JD smirked walking towards me as I sat at the metal table my arms crossed against my chest.

“Why did you have to let him know I was with you?” I questioned.

“For entertainment.”

“He didn’t need to know.”

“But that what makes this so enjoyable.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“Don’t be that way baby.”

“I am not your baby,” I hissed.

“But for tonight you are. How about we have a little fun?”

“Don’t touch me.”

“But baby that’s all apart of the deal,” he spoke before laying his hand on my shoulder laying with the hem on my shirt at my neck.



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