Chapter 64

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My eyes wondered all around the huge room. The walls were white and the floors were greyish brown concrete. There were easels and tables all around the room. There was every color of every type of paint on one of the long tables. There was a big bucket of brushes. Aprons hung on hooks on the wall. Canvas were stacked high and some were already set up on the easels. There was paper and oil pastels. There was a huge chest with too many drawers to count. The windows were large and old looking. There were two doors that led else where in this art studio.

"You did all this?" I finally spoke again.

"Yeah." He grinned.


"A few weeks back I got this idea to buy a vacant building it turn it into an art studio. I found this place and it was perfect. So I bought it. It was finalized last week, so I got some help setting it up. And here it is."

"Harry, this must of been crazy expensive, I can't accept this key." I told him and try to hand him back the key, but he refuses.

"Your name is on the papers. You legally own this studio too."

"But, it doesn't feel right because I didn't pay for anything." I explained.

"Then think of this as a gift." He smiled.

I roll my eyes and continue to look around.

"Your stuff is over by that table." Harry pointed to a table in the back right corner. I hurry over and run my hands over work, brushes, and paint containers.

"This is all too great. It's phenomenal." I simpered.

"I'm glad you like it." He said walking up to me and kissing the top of my head. I leaned my head back against his chest and closed my eyes. I felt so at peace with the world. Harry began to slightly hum and I leaned back even farther. Harry's strong arms wrapped around me and we swayed back and forth.


One week later.....

"I'm not talking about this anymore." Harry huffed slamming the door of the art studio behind him.

We had just come from my doctors for my checkup for my memory. The doctor said it was a good sign that i have started to remember little blurs here and there. The doctor also said it still unknown if I will ever recover completely, but Harry's actions of helping me remember are very important.

"Five years Harry, five years since you last seen or spoken to your family!" I exclaimed.

"I said let's now talk about it." He growls. "I really don't want to fight."

"Neither do I, but I can't just do nothing about this. You told me your mum would call and would leave voicemails of her crying! They love you! You can't live like this anymore." I continue to argue.

"I can and I will."

"Just let me call your mum and tell her you're all right."

"What?! Hell no."

"Listen, my mum didn't give a damn about me. I would do anything to be in your position of having a loving family and you're standing there like an ungrateful bastard ignoring them while they have been worried sick for five fucking years. Now give me her number and I am going to assure her that you are okay."

Harry didn't break his eye contact with me and I kept my glare. I put my hands on my hips and Harry dug his hands in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He unwillingly handed me his phone. I smiled while searching for 'Mum' in his contact. When I found it, I dialed the number on my phone. Harry began to pace and run his finger through his hair. I sat down at one of the stools are the phone rang. I clicked speakerphone, so Harry could hear our conversation.

"Hello?" A cheery voice asked over the phone. Harry stopped dead in my tracks and stared at the phone.

"Hi, Mrs. Styles?" I said slowly.

"Yes, who am I speaking with?"

"My name is Sal Page. I'm with your son, Harry."

There was a sharp gasp and whimpers heard over the phone. Harry quickly pulled up at stool next to me, but stayed silent. 

"Harry?" She croaked. It was obvious she was crying and I felt so bad for the woman. 

"Is he okay?" She rushed. Her mind must of immediately  went to the thoughts of him being hospitalized because that would probably be the one reason why she would receive a call like this. 

"He is perfectly fine." I quickly responded to rid the horrid thoughts that were most likely running through her mind. 

"Is he there?" She asked timidly. 

I looked at Harry for a response. He nodded.


"Oh God Harry, I just want you to know that mummy loves you much you and I hope one day you can come home." She cried.

I didn't know what to respond, so I looked back at Harry. I placed my hand on his and squeezed it lightly. He opened his mouth and his body began to slightly tremble. I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand.

"I love you too mum." Harry breathed out.

"Harry!" Mrs. Styles almost screamed and she cried even harder.

"Gem, Des, come over!" She yelled her voice slightly muffled. Harry's face went white and began to stand up, but a voice stopped him.

"Haz?" Another female voice asked.

"Gem?" Harry smiled.

"Oh my god, Harry." The girl who I presumed was Gem started to cry.

"Son?" A man asked whose name is probably Des/

"Dad." He continued to smile. His dimples her showing and his eyes were watery.

"Are you coming home?" Gem asked I think.

"Uhhh, I don't think so." Harry answered.

I phone had somehow migrated to Harry's hand, so he held the phone close to his lips as he talked. I started to stand, so I could give him so privacy with his family, but he stopped me.

"Stay." He mouthed and I sat right back down.

"Why, why not?" Mrs. Styles asked choking on her own tears.

Harry abruptly handed the phone back to me and walked towards the door to go outside. He needed some air to breath.

"Hi." I said into the phone.

"Who are you?" Des questioned.

"I'm Sal." I answered.

"She's one that called me. She's a friend of Harry's." Mrs. Styles explained to Gem and Des.

"Harry needed to go outside and think for a bit." I told them. "I can't tell you much more without his permission, but he's okay."

"Thank you for calling us." Gem sniffled.

"It's no problem at all. I know about Harry running way and such and I thought it was time for him to talk to you guys." I said.

"Thank you Sal. You don't know how much this means to us." Mrs. Styles replied.

"This is my number. Feel free to call me whenever if you have any questions about Harry or want to talk to him. I can't guarantee anything, but I'll do my best. Goodbye."



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