How You Met (Liam)

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You were at a shoe store looking for some new chucks to walk in since your other pair is falling apart. One of the employees kept looking at you and you were getting a little bit irritated. You're browsing the shoes when you hear a bunch of noise coming in. You looked back and saw two white boys, one with blond hair and the other with brown hair. You didn't pay them any mind and went back to looking at shoes. Someone came up to you and you looked up and saw the brown haired one smiling. "Hi, I'm uh Liam. What's your name" "Hey I'm y/n." "Thats a beautiful name. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" You groan internally because he was so cute but you didn't want to date a white boy. 

"Uh no. I'm sorry," you say feeling a little bit bad. "Oh what's the matter? Afraid you won't be able to handle all this vanilla," he said pointing to his body. You laugh at him. "Please. What makes you so sure you'd be able to handle all this chocolate because I hear she's quite hard to tame." He smiles and runs his chin. "Oh trust me. I'll be able to tame her." He begins walking towards you until you're up against the wall. "So what do you say? Can I take this beautiful chocolate woman on a date?" You smile and nod. You guys go on your date and hit it off well. 

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