You Find Out His Kink (Zayn)

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You were currently laughing at what Zayn just told you. " Oh my god. That's a good one, you really had me there," you say wiping the tears from your face. This boy is crazy! You look back at Zayn and he isn't laughing. "Are you kidding me? No I'm not doing it. Nope." Zayn gives you the puppy dog eyes thinking it'll work on you. He wanted to see if you guys could try out foods in the bedroom.

"Come on babe it'll be fun. I can pour caramel, chocolate fudge, whatever you want," he pleads. That's so weird. "No my hair will get sticky and the sheets will be ruined, so no," you say firmly. He glares and walks away mumbling under his breath. "Never want to do anything I want to do." You sigh at his childish behaviour. He ignored you and stayed up in the bedroom while you cleaned up the house. It was nearing evening time so you decided to prepare dinner.

You walked to the bedroom and see Zayn laying on the floor. "Babe what you want for dinner tonight," you ask him. He ignores you and you roll your eyes. "Seriously Zayn what do you want for dinner," you say getting fed up with his behaviour. " Oh so now my wants matter to you," he says getting up. You walk out the room done with his attitude. "Get back here. Admit it, you never do what I want to do," he yells. You pick up the knife and he freezes.

"I never let you do what you want to do? That's funny because I always listen to what you want," you say. He looks at you nervously as you start chopping the onions harder. " Who wanted to move to Bradford without asking how I'd feel? You! Who wanted to go smoke with their friends and leave me alone for days? You, so don't you ever say I never do anything for you," you yell. You walk past Zayn and he tries to grab your arm but you pull it away. You go inside the room and slam the door and lock it. "Baby I'm sorry. I was being selfish and mean. Please don't block me out," he begs.

You decide to give him the silent treatment like he gave you. After about 2 hours and he sleeping on the couch you gave in to his apology. " I'm sorry too. Maybe we can try it one time and I'll see how I like it," you negotiated.

Those who've requested imagines I will be putting them up, I didn't forget. Comment and vote guys ❤😢 sorry for any errors

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