The Nickname He Calls You

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Harry: Caramel. He calls you this because whenever you get sad you always end up eating caramel candy.

Louis: Honey bun. He calls you this because one day he came over your house and found honey bun wrappers under your bed. You were so embarrassed, but he told you not to be because you were his little beautiful honey bun.

Liam: Black Queen. He calls you this because you always support him in everything and you always take care of him. Whether it be in financial decisions or advice on the boys, you're the first one he goes to. Like in chess the Queen protects her King.

Niall: Princess. I mean it's pretty obvious. You are a princess and you should be called one.

Zayn: Bubbles. He calls you this because you have a very bubbly personality. Whenever you visit him you always have a smile on your face 

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