He Finds Out You Speak Another Language (Zayn)

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Your POV

I was currently arguing with the neighbor next door and I'm getting ready to beat his butt. He thought it was okay for him to have his dog run in my backyard and poop there. I didn't know that Zayn came in so I was still yelling at the neighbor. "¿Cual es tu problema Estupido!" (what is your problem, Stupid!) "¿Estupido!? Voy a llamar a la policia!" (Stupid?! I'm going to call the police!" I can't anymore. I go to punch the man in the throat and someone stops my hand. I look behind me and see Zayn. My eyes widen. "Baby what's going on here? Why are you fighting with Danny," he asks. "¿Por que? Debido a su perro caca en el patio trasero!" (Why? Because his dog pooped in the backyard!) I turn my attention back to Danny and he says that I'm crazy and leaves. "Sera mejor que limpiar esto caca!" (You better clean up this poop) He walks away mumbling under his breath. "Yo no puedo mas," (I can't take this anymore ) I yell walking back into the house. Zayn looks confused. "Que?" (What?) He shakes his head no. "It's just that I didn't know you spoke Spanish that well," he laughs. "You were speaking to me in Spanish. What exactly happened because I couldn't understand." I realized then that I was still talking in Spanish. " Oh baby I'm sorry. Danny let his dog poop in the back and he doesn't want to clean it up. He said he was going to call the police," I laughed. "Well that's nasty. Anyways how'd you learn? I want you to teach me." I roll my eyes and tell him okay. The whole night was spent on me trying to teach him Spanish.

I'll be updating on a a daily basis hopefully 😊😊😊😊

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