How You Met (Zayn)

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You were out walking your dog early in the morning when you heard arguing coming out of a house you were passing. "You know what I'm done with you! I have put up with this for too long!" You stopped and saw a guy coming out of the house along with a girl running after him. Your dog starts to bark frantically as he sees the couple. "Zayn stop! Wait! I didn't mean for this to happen." You try to avert your eyes but you just couldn't. You wanted to see if they were going to be ok. The Zayn guy leaves, and you decide to follow him.

The stalking finally comes to an end when he stops at some swings and takes out a cigarette. "Are you going to keep staring at me or are you going to join me." You jump and begin stuttering as you speak. "Oh uh I'm sorry. I-i didn't mean to uh stare," you say walking over to him. Your dog sits on the ground while you take the swing next to Zayn. Ten minutes of silence pass and he finally speaks. "Have you ever been cheated on?" "Yes I have actually." He turns to you and his eyes are watering up. "Does it like get any better? I feel like my whole world just ended and I can't move on."

You sigh and grab his hand. "Look it does get better. It may feel like the whole world is coming to an end but look, the earth is still rotating and it will continue no matter what. Everybody grieves differently." He nods in understanding. " Thanks. My name is Zayn by the way. "I'm y/n." You both continue to talk. You guys start as friends first and then take it a step further by dating.

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