He Buys You A Pet (Zayn)

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Zayn's POV

Y/n has been bugging me about getting a pet for the past few months. I don't want to get a pet because of Karlie (your daughter if you remember from the previous preference). He picks up Karlie from school and she looks upset. " Hey honey. What's wrong." "Nothing daddy. Are we finally going to get a pet for mom?" Now she wants a pet. "Okay tell you what, how about we go to the pet store right now and pick one out for her " I tell her. She nods her head happily.

We head to the pet store and I grab Karlie's hand. She goes wondering around looking for the right one. She stops in front a kitten and squeals in excitement. "Daddy! This is the one. She's going to love it." I already know how y/n is and she hates cats. I look at her unsure but she looks so happy that I couldn't say no. We buy the kitten and head to another store to buy things for her.

Your POV

Where in the hell is Zayn. He should have been back already. You contemplate calling him on the phone when you hear a car pull up in the driveway. You relax and set the table for dinner. "Mommy," Karlie says running in the house. You catch her and spin her around kissing her cheek. "How's my little brainiac doing?" She giggles. " We got a surprise for you that's why we were taking so long. I hope you like it. I picked it out for you," she smiles. Oh no, what is it this time.

Zayn comes in with a small little cage and you smile. Did he finally get me a pet? I hope it's a dog you think. "So I know how much you wanted a pet so here it is," Zayn said. He uncovers the cage and you see a little ball of fur curled up in the corner sleeping. You walk closer and open it and see a kitten. You take it out and it wakes up yawning and looks up at you. "Oh...A kitten?," you say a little disappointed. You hate kittens. It curls up in your hand and you can't help but smile. "I know you don't really like kittens but Karlie said you'd love it," Zayn explains. You glance over at Karlie and grin. "I like it, but I'm sure I'll grow to love it. Thank you so much sweetie."

Okay here's Zayn. Just to let you know I will be doing a leader up to your first date, when he proposes, a wedding series and then the pregnancy series. You guys already know what the kids look like and if you don't just look at the first 5 preferences and you will see them there. Thank you and vote or comment whichever you prefer.

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