Done (Song Preference) (2/4 plus Zayn)

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Liam: You've been wearing that crown and tearing me down it's been awhile since you've treated me right. You strung me along for far too long cause I never gave up the fight, until now.

You've had enough. If he thinks he can just go around sleeping with other women then he's mistaken. You're sitting in the dark thinking about all the shit he put you through. 'I can't believe I stayed this long', you think to yourself. Four years of complete silence. Never speaking out about how you feel because you were afaraid of him leaving. Fuck that! You turn on the lights in your room and just go crazy. You start throwing his clothes out the window, breaking every picture frame you've had of each other. Why me? You run down the stairs and walk to the garage, smiling at Liam's new car.

I thought I was your Queen. A king should never leave his queen ever. You smash all the Windows and slash the tires laughing and crying. If anybody saw you they'd think you were crazy. After you finished, you calmly went upstairs, packed your stuff and left without leaving a note. Goodbye Liam.

Harry: Mama always told me that I should play nice, but she didn't know you when she gave me that advice, I'm through with you. You're one bridge I'd like to burn, bottle up the ashes, smash the urn..

This nigga. Harry was currently pressed up against the wall with some purple headed slut, making out with her. 'Should I go over there? Should I beat his ass or her ass' you thought. This was the third time this week. You gave him a chance the other two times, but it's like he's trying to test you. He was never like this. Ever since he went on a break from work he's been staying out late. " Oh Harry," the girl moaned. You rolled your eyes and clenched your fists. "Aren't you in a relationship?" You cock your head to the said, waiting for his answer.

"No. I broke up with the dumb b***h," he says laughing. All you saw was red. You headed towards Harry and smacked his head against the wall. The girl started screaming and you told her to shut up. Harry looked up to see who attacked him and his eyes went wide. "Baby, I'm sorry," he says apologizing. "Baby? Oh nah, remember I'm a dumb Bitch. Fuck you Harry." You walked to your car, with Harry chasing after you. You went to the trunk and grabbed bags with his clothing and pictures. "Y/n wait. What are those? Are those my clothes in there." You turn and laugh at him nodding your head yes. " Oh yea except I'm burning them." He looks at you confused.

You pull the lighter and smile. He tries to stop you but it was too late. You threw the lighter at the bag and it caught on fire burning the clothes. " Oh and Harry, I'm not a dumb Bitch I'm a bad Bitch," you say driving off.

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