He Compares You To His Ex (Louis)

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Alright so here goes Louis

Your POV

"Louis", you whine. He wanted to take you to an award show with the boys. "Y/n ", he mocks you. You roll your eyes and walk away. "Look we don't have to stay the whole time. We can stay for 4 hours tops." You think about it and say okay.

You put on a white dress that hugged your curves well and black pumps. Louis looks at you and smiles. "Let's go." You guys get into the car and head off to the award show. You see the guys and immediately run to Zayn. "Ahh Zee. I miss you boo!" He smiles down at you and kisses your temple. "I miss you too," he says and leads you to the red carpet along with Louis.

After everything you guys head in to sit down and wait for the show to start. You have to pee, so you get up and look for the bathroom. You see Harry's ex and roll your eyes. She spots you and comes up to you. "y/n hey! How are you," she says going in for a hug. You step back and reply with hey and say you need to go to the restroom.

Doing your business in the bathroom you start thinking about how lucky you are to have Louis. You guys haven't said 'I love you' yet, but you're ready. You smile to yourself and finish up in the bathroom. You head back to your seat and see the boys huddled up together speaking in hushed tones. You being the curious person you are, lean a little bit forward to hear what they're saying

"Look I know she's my girlfriend and all but really. Why are you wearing that. It's like she's trying to embarrass me," you hear Louis say. You look down at your dress and frown. "Mate I think she looks beautiful," Zayn says. Aww Zayn always defending you. "Yeah okay. Kathy had way better style then her. I mean she could rock anything. Granted, if Kathy had that dress on she'd look 100 times better." You feel tears swell up in your eyes and you walk up to him

"So Kathy would look better in this? Why don't you just call her and give her my dress. I'm going home," you tell him. "Wait y/n. I didn't realize you were standing there." Your eyes go wide and you take a step back. "You're saying that you really meant that. If you had noticed me you would have said something different!" "No that's not what I meant. I'm trying t-." You flick him off and walk away. He starts calling after you and you ignore him.

Ugh this is alright, could've done better but here it is.

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