He Compares You To His Ex (Niall)

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Okay so this one was hard because Niall is like such a sweetheart and I don't see him doing this. Not that the other boys aren't sweet, it's you know Niall

Niall's POV

"Y/N! Hurry up! My parents are waiting," I yell up the stairs. Finally I see her come down and she looks so good. Can't wait for tonight, if you know what I mean. "Sorry baby. I couldn't find my phone," she apologizes. I tell her it's okay and usher her out the door. I'm so nervous. This is the first time y/n is meeting my parents. I don't know how they'll react when they meet her. They were all pretty close to my last girlfriend Carmen. I know it's not going to be easy.

I look over at y/n and I see her biting her nails: a habit that she has when she's nervous. I grab her hand and squeeze it. "It's going to be okay. I promise you." She nods and looks out the window. My heart starts beating faster when I see the house in sight. I park the car and we both get out.

Your POV

Okay so this is happening. Meeting Niall's parents is the last thing I wanted to do. We walk up to the door and it swings open with an excited Maura grabbing her son into a tight hug. " Oh I've missed you so much," she tells him. She looks over at me and her smile falters. Oh sh*t. Niall didn't tell her I was black. "Who are you," she says rudely. Uh no she didn't. Before I could say anything, Niall says I'm his girlfriend. " Oh well come on in darling. I'm Maura," she says and shakes your hand.

You meet the rest of the family and you're getting the vibe that they don't like you. The only one who does is Theo! A little boy (p.s. isn't he just the cutest thing ever.ugh he's so adorable!) Dinner is almost ready so you go to the sink and wash your hands. Maura is in the living room speaking to Niall about you. You listen intently waiting for him to talk. "Well mum you know she's my girlfriend and she has been for 2 years." You smile and wait for his mothers response. "Yes I'm well aware. Why did it take this long to meet us? Carmen met us after a month. I like her way better," she says.

You can't believe it. She doesn't like you. " I know. When Carmen came to meet you guys she was way more talkative. I wish y/n could be more like that. They're so different. Carmen was more expressive. I try to talk to her and get her to tell me what she's feeling but she just says she's fine." You walk to the living room and walk to the front door putting on your coat. "Y/n where are you going? Why are you leaving," Niall asks. " This was a mistake. I'm sorry that I'm not more like Carmen. If you have not noticed we're two different people." You walk out the door hearing Niall call out your name but you ignore him. You don't know where you're going but you could care less.

I think I want to make a second part to this one. I actually really like this one. I hope you guys do too (vote/comment) you guys can send request if you want a personal imagine but only if you want to

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