I Love You

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It's been about three weeks since you seen Niall. He was on tour with Ed since they're on break. You didn't want him to go, but he seemed really excited so you let him. You were currently laughing with your best friend and her boyfriend. " Oh no Danny. That's disgusting," you say laughing. He was making dinner but he put ketchup in the lasagna so it was going to taste sweet. "Quiet I know what I'm doing. It's going to be good, trust me," he says. You laugh a nd drag your friend to the living room. "Danny is crazy." "Yeah he is but I love him," she says smiling. "I love you too baby girl." You feel a pang of jealousy touch your heart.

She notices a look on your face and pays your leg. "Have you guys said the l word yet." "No we have not. We've only been together for 6 months," you say scoffing at her. " Yeah 6 months should be long enough." You ignore her and hear your laptop ringing. You run upstairs and open it. "Hi baby! I miss you," you tell Niall. His hair is a mess and you can tell he just woke up. "Aww babe I miss you too. I wish I was there with you cuddling you," he groans. You laugh and ask him how it's going. After awhile it turns silent. "Baby what's wrong," you ask him.

He shakes his head telling you nothing. "Come on Ni I know you want to say something," you say. He sighs and licks his lips. "Well you know we've been together for 6 months now right? I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me," he finishes. You laugh. " Oh you want me to live in huh? I guess I can," you say jokingly. Someone speaks in the background and he seems annoyed. "I'll be back, hold on." He gets up and leaves and you just sit there. He comes back five minutes later and he sits down sad. "I have to go baby," he says sadly. " Oh okay bye." "Bye I love you," he says and ends the call. Did he just say he loves me? You smile to yourself. Your phone buzzes and you smile when you see the message.

Niall: Yes I said I love you and I know you love me.

You laugh and lay back on the bed. He loves me. You go back downstairs and share the news with Danny and your best friend.

I hope you like it 😊😊❤❤❤

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