He Buys You A Pet (Harry)

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Moving out of LA was the best choice you and Harry ever made. You guys decided to move to the countryside to get away from all the craziness. You guys are on your way to the house and you're so excited. There's a pond located in the backyard which is great for ducks, if you had one.

You've guys have been living in the house for a week and you couldn't get enough of it. " Hey babe," Harry greets you when you enter the kitchen. " Hey. How'd you sleep?" He shrugs his shoulders and says alright. "Today I'm going to go into town to buy a few things. Want to go with me," he asks. You think about it wondering if getting out the house would be a good idea. "Nah I'll just stay here and finish unpacking the stuff we have left," you tell him. Harry leaves about an hour later and you start unpacking. You noticed a box labeled Memories with hearts surrounding them. You open them up and see pictures of you and Harry on dates and at parties. You had never seen these before. You didn't realize how fast the time went, until you heard Harry calling for you.

You run down to him and see him bouncing in excitement. "What...?" "Okay so I bought something I think you would like. I couldn't help but get it for you and me." You can't help but feel confused. He moves his hands and takes out a small yellow ball. "Wait what is that?" You get closer and see that it's a baby duck. You coo at the duck and hold him in your hands. "I know we have no experience bit look at how cute he is. Please say we can keep him. We have a pond out back. Please say yes," he begs, giving you the puppy dog eyes. You smile and say of course we can keep him. The whole day was spent fighting over what to call him and where he would stay in the mean time. You guys settled on Dicky (Idk why I picked that name)

A duck. It's so cute. Vote and or comment.

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