First Kiss (Zayn and Liam)

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Zayn: You and Zayn were hanging out for the day. Being in a new relationship and all, you guys hung out all the time. He was always texting you and you texting him. Your best friend hated it. "Babe what do you want to eat, I don't feel like going out ," Zayn shouts from the bathroom. "Uhh Chinese?" He comes out the bathroom with a look that says 'I'm not going to eat that'. You roll your eyes and say pizza. He nods his head yes and orders it. Zayn comes back and sits on you. "Umph! Get off!" "No I think I'm comfortable right here laying on my pillow." You give up and lay still. Zayn turns his body so that he's looking at you. He stares for awhile and you start to feel self-conscious. "What," you whine, covering your face. "I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend?" You smiled and he notices. He starts to lean in and your body tenses. Oh my god! Is he about to kiss me? He is! What if I don't like the way he kisses? What if he doesn't like the way I kiss. Your thoughts were interrupted when you feel his lips against your lips. The kiss lasted for 5 seconds and when Zayn lifts his head up, his cheeks are tainted red. "Uhm I'm sorry," he apologizes scratching his head. You chuckle and tell him it's okay and that you enjoyed it. 

Liam: "Come on y/n don't be so dramatic," Liam says. You glare at him  and he looks away. "Don't be dramatic?! My hair is a mess!" Liam wanted to take a walk because it was pretty outside. You don't know why you said ok, but you did. It was going fine at first,  until it started to get windy. You had told Liam that you guys should go back to his place, but he said it was fine. You were skeptical, but continued nonetheless. A huge gush of wind swept over you and Liam and you grabbed on to him. As the wind passed, you saw your hair in the window of someone's car and you screamed. Your hair was out in its natural state and now it looked like you rolled around in the grass. " Liam I look horrible. I can't deal." He comes over to you and pulls you into a hug. " Oh y/n it'll be alright. I still think you look good," said Liam. Due to your height difference, you had to look up at him. "Really?" He nods his head yes and kisses your nose. "I really do." He kisses all around your face and lingers when he gets to your lips. "Can I," he whispers. You nod your head, afraid  to speak. He connects his lips to yours and butterflies erupt in your stomach. He pulls away and grabs your hand,walking back to his place. As you walk in silence you see a little smile on his face. 

A/N: Sorry for any errors

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