You Find Out His Kink (Liam)

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You had stayed home all day doing absolutely nothing, while Liam was out running errands. He had told you to clean the house because you were having guests over for dinner. You didn't really want to have people over but Liam insisted. You got off the couch and tried to clean but your couch kept calling you so you gave in and began watching episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix. You got through two seasons when Liam came in the house.

"Y/n! I can't believe you didn't clean the house," he said a little disappointed. You stood up and stretched. "I know I know. I just don't want to. Can't we cancel?" He began shaking his head no. "Nope. This is a chance for us to actually cook a meal. Now chop chop young lady " he rushed you. " Okay Daddy," you say jokingly. You heard Liam groan. You turn to look at him, and he has his eyes closed. "Li? You okay?" He opens his eyes and starts walking towards you until you're up against the wall cornered.

He kisses you and you're confused. "Wait Li I'm not sure what's going on," you say. He continues to kiss you on your neck and he finally speaks. "Call me that again," he says.

You scrunched your eyebrows up in confusion. What? Then it hit you. "Daddy?..." He groans again and presses his body up against you. You start busting out laughing and he looks at you embarrassed. " Wow. You have a daddy kink," you say chuckling. He nods his head yes and you just continue to laugh. "Well I guess that's your nickname Daddy." He smiles and you guys start cleaning the house with you teasing him about his kink.

That's where he got the nickname Daddy if you recall in the past preference I put up.

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