He Proposes (Liam)

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Hey guys I know it's been forever but here's the start of the marriage series!!!! This has been co-edited :) Enjoy!

“Hey babe,” Liam called out. You roll over in the bed and groan. “What Liam? I’m tired…” He chuckles and pulls the covers off of you. “Liam!” you yell. He runs out of the room laughing and you run after him. "Why did you do that?!” He shrugs his shoulders. “I wanted to tell you that we have a date and you need to get ready like, right now.” Your ears perk up at the word date. “Date? Where we going?” you ask, excited. “I’ll let you know when we get there.” You run back to the room and start picking out your outfit. ‘What to wear, what to wear?’ You see a pair of black jeans and pick them up. These were the jeans that made your butt look real good, so you set those aside and begin to look for a top. The first top you came across was turquoise and had a little bow in the back. You tried it on but it turned out to be too tight. You wanted to wear your white pumps so you decided to wear a white blouse that Liam got for you. You showered and shaved everything that needed to be shaved, because you didn’t know if something was going to happen later on that night.

“Y/N are you almost done?” You look at the time and gasp. You put your outfit on and put your hair in a high puff since you didn’t really have enough time to do your hair the way you wanted. You hurry downstairs and smile when you see Liam. “I’m done!” He grabs your hand and walks you out to the car. As he starts to drive you begin to ask him where the date was located. “Okay Li….are we going to a restaurant?” Silence. “Are we going to a movie?” Silence, once again. “Liiiiiaaaaamm,” you whine. He chuckles and just tells you to be patient. You look out the window and notice that Liam is driving further and further away from the city. You start to worry because you never know what people might end up doing.

You stay quiet for the rest of the ride, until you see an open field and a hot air balloon. “Uhh please tell me we’re not getting in that.” “Surprise,” Liam says putting the car in park. You both get out the car and walk over to a group of people surrounding the hot air balloon. “Liam,” one of the men say. Liam and the guy hug. “Thanks for doing this man. I owe you.” Liam then introduces you to him and you smile politely and say hi. Liam then grabs your hand and you guys start walking towards the balloon. Your stomach drops and your throat suddenly goes dry. 

“Liam I don’t think I can do this,” you say. “It’s not a big deal. It’s a balloon and we won’t go that far away. Come on babe.” Liam’s friend both gives you guys instructions on how to operate the balloon and how to stay safe. You guys finally enter the balloon and see that it has a little bench and table with a picnic basket on top. You smile at the set up and sit on one end of the bench.

The balloon starts ascending and you hold onto the bench and close your eyes. Your heart is beating out of your chest. You wish that Liam could be a normal boyfriend and take you out to dinner in a restaurant and not a hot air balloon. Liam sits down next to you and grabs both of your hands and kisses them. “Baby it’s okay. You’re not going to fall, at least not while I’m here,” he says trying to lighten the mood. You begin to open your eyes and take a deep breath. Liam starts talking but you’re not really listening to what he’s saying. You’re more focused on how high you are and how you’re going to eat. “So do you want to start eating?” You say yes and he brings out some dish you’ve never had. It turned out to be good and you slowly forgot about your fear and just focused on Liam. “Oh god. Remember when we first met?” he asks. 

“How could I forget? You basically pushed me up against the wall!” 

“Whatever. You remember that time we went hiking? Man it was a good day,” he says smiling. 

“Uhm if I recall correctly, I sprained my ankle and sweat out my press. Don’t play with me boy.”

“Oh yeah you did hurt yourself. I’m sorry.” You roll your eyes and take a sip of your wine. The sun begins to set and the sky turns orange with hints of purple and red scattered around. “Look at this view Li.” You look back at him and he’s already looking at you. 

“Y/N I love you with all my heart. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you. You make me feel like a teenager again. Every minute I’m not with you is a minute wasted. People say we aren’t meant to be or that we won’t last, but I know for sure we will. I want you to become my wife. I want to grow old with you and yell at kids that run in our yard. I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?”. By the time Liam finished, you were in tears. "Li of course I will.” He puts the ring on your finger and you hug him.

After the date you guys head home and just cuddled.

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