Thanksgiving (Liam)

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Your POV

Today is Liam's first thanksgiving with your family and you couldn't be more excited. He has already met your family so you got that out the way. What you were scared of was how your other family members will react to Liam. Its no secret that some of your family members are prejudice. The dinner was going to be held at your mom's house, which was just two hours away. "Li, come on. We should've been on the road already. I don't want to be late," you yell into the kitchen. "Coming honey. It's not like we're going to be late," he yelled coming into view. You smiled and left the house, driving to your mom's house.

While you were on the freeway, your father called your phone. " Hey baby, could you get that please." Liam answered the phone and started talking to your father. "Yes y/f/n we will be there. Haha yeah she made the dump cake and peach cobbler just the way we both like it. Okay we'll see you soon, bye," Liam says and hangs up. "Your dad says hey and hurry up because he's hungry." You rolled your eyes. "He's always hungry," you joke.

You guys arrive twenty minutes later and you look over to Liam and he's shaking. "Babe," you say laughing. He looks at you and nods his head yes and begins walking up to the door. The door opens and out pops your cousin Keisha (you can change the name of you want). " Hey y/n! Who is this little piece of white chocolate
you've brought," she says smiling at him. "Uhh My man," you say putting the emphasis on my man. She chuckles and brushes past you. You walk inside the house and see your family.

Liam has already made his way to your grandma and kisses her on the cheek. You introduce him to almost everybody and then you get to your cousins (they're guys). "Y/n oh my gosh. Look at you!" You laugh and joke around with them. "Who the hell is this cracker," you cousin says. You punch him in the arm and glare. "This man is my boyfriend. Stop being rude. I'm gonna tell grandma," you threaten. Liam waves and they just glare.

Your grandma calls everyone to the table and says grace. "So how you doin' baby," your grandma asks you. "Ah I've been better. Liam has been touring a lot so it's been hard," you say and Liam grabs your hand. She nods and ends the conversation there. Liam is talking with your aunts and you just smile. "Daddy, can you pass the greens over here," you ask your dad. At that same time Liam and your dad both reach for the greens and the table gets silent. Liam turns red. " Oh you meant..."

Keisha busts out laughing. "Well now we know she a freak," and everyone laughs except for your father and Liam. Liam gets up to help your grandma and mother with the desserts. "Y/n where you find this white boy," y/g/c says. "We met at the shoe store and clicked ever since. Now stay out of my business and find your own," you snap. Your grandma and your mom come out the kitchen with dessert and Liam comes out with the coffee and tea.

"So white boy? Why you with my cousin? She don't want you." Liam looks pissed so you tell him to calm down. "Y/g/c shut up! Leave him alone. If I want to date a white guy then I will." Keisha starts laughing at you. " Oh shut up. You think you better than everybody with your little white boy. You don't even want to be here," she says. " Keisha shut up. I am not better than anybody. Yeah I got an okay job, so what. You can too if you stop whoring around with all these men," you yell.

Everybody stops talking and you get up to get a breath of fresh air.

Liam's POV

Y/n got up to get fresh air and I hear her relatives talking about her. "I know you guys may not like me but y/n is no gold digger. She never wants me to buy her anything expensive, but I never listen. All I'm saying is that she did change but in a way where she improved herself. I don't see what's wrong with her dating me or anyone else in that matter. If you were her family then you woulnt care about who she dated," I finish saying and get up to go check on y/n. I see her standing with tears in her eyes. " Liam do I act like I'm better than everybody else," she asks me.

I hug and tell her no. " You shouldn't let them get to you. I love you and you love me and that's all that matters." She smiles at me and the rest of the night goes smoothly. Her cousins apologize to me and then to her. I'm really lucky to have y/n and I hope she knows that.

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