He Raises His Voice At You (Zayn)

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Zayn's POV

Where the heck is she? She should be home by now. He paces the room waiting for a phone call from you saying your okay or for you walk through the door.

Your POV

" Okay one more shot," you yell to Liam. He looks at you disappointed. "Y/n. Come on let's go. You know how Zayn gets," he warns. You laugh but listen to him anyways. Throughout the drive home you kept trying to open the door and jump out so you couldn't face Zayn. Liam put the child lock on the car door so you had to stop. He pulls up to the house and looks at you for a moment. "I'll wait out here because Zayn may be to upset to stay with you here." You nod your head okay and thank him for the ride.

You stumble up to your door, it opens itself. "Hey how did the door open," you question. You look up and see a pissed off Zayn. You hurry up and get in the house. After about ten minutes of intense silence he speaks. "Where were you? Do you know how worried I was? I didn't know if you had been in an accident or worst beaten up lying in an alley," he says raising his voice at the end. "I know Zayn. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. It won't happen again," you say truthfully.

"You're damn right it won't happen again!" Uhh did he just yell at me. You chuckle a little to yourself trying to calm down. "God y/n. It's like you don't think. What are you even wearing? You look like a f***ing slut right now." Zayn just keeps on throwing insults at you until he calls you the b word. You stood up and rushed at him. "What the f**k did you say motherf***er! You got some damn nerve. When you were out there getting high and drinking every time after the tour was over, I didn't harass you. I just simply let you know that if you keep this up, there won't be an us anymore. I don't play that sh*t! I work hard every damn day and you got the nerve to insult me like that. N***a you must be crazy. You know what just go because Liam is waiting outside for you and I don't want you here." "Babe wait. I'm sorry," he apologizes. " Oh I know. I just want you to leave because I'm this close to like really saying things I know I'll regret so please leave," you say quietly.

He goes upstairs and packs a duffle bag and stands in front of you. He tries to kiss you on the forehead but you back away and walk into your room. "I love you," you hear him say.

Yea so what would you have done?

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