Your First Fight (Liam & Niall)

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Niall: "Niall where are you," you said leaving another voicemail. It was your 6 month anniversary and he wanted to have dinner. His phone kept going to voicemail and you were getting worried. What if he was in the hospital? What if he had gotten in a car accident? You wouldn't know. "Ma'am are you ready to order," the waitress said. "No apparently I'm not that important," you said and walked out. You felt like an idiot just sitting there.

What if the boys have seen him? You call Zayn and he answers on the first ring. "Hello?" "Yes. Zayn it's me y/n. Have you seen Niall at all today? We were supposed to have dinner but he hasn't answered his phone and I'm getting kind of worried," you tell him. "Uhm actually he's here right now sitting with Harry playing a video game. Want me to get him on the phone?" "Yes please," you said seething. You couldn't believe it. He completely forgot about you. "Hello?" "Hello Niall. Did you forget that we had a dinner today. Our 6 month anniversary dinner to be exact," you almost yelled.

He remained silent. "Babe I am so sorry but you've got the date wrong. Its not today, it's next week," he laughs. Oh god this boy is going to get slapped. "No the heck it isn't. You put it down in your calender, and you even said that was the day. You know what you're full of crap." You hang up the phone and drive home. Niall is an idiot, the date was today. You get home and look at the picture you took the day he asked you out. September 5th and its February 5th exactly 6 months later. You fall asleep sad hoping this will all blow over in the morning.

Liam: You and Liam were cuddling on the couch watching some reality show when he decided to say something stupid. "Me and Brooklyn used to watch this show a lot. She loved this show, more than you I believe," he finishes. Ugh you thought in your head. "And I would care because...," you said annoyed. He must have not gotten the hint that you were annoyed because he continues.

"Her face would scrunch up in the cutest way whenever she saw Jade hanging out with Lacey." You cut him off by standing up and putting your shoes on. "Sweetie where are you going. The show hasn't finished yet," he says confused. " Yeah well why don't you call Brooklyn and watch it with her." He looks genuinely confused. "What does she have to do with this? Are you jealous of a relationship that was over a year ago," he scoffs.

Your eyes widen in disbelief. " You were just talking about her. What makes you think that I would care about her watching the show and how she felt when watching it. I honestly really don't care and I'm getting tired of you talking about her," you yell. He gets up and throws his hands in the air getting frustrated. "Well excuse me if talking about her is a crime." "Are you listening to yourself right now. You know what never mind, I'm just going to go tell Brooklyn I said hi since you so badly talk about her," you say leaving his house.

Sorry!!!!!??? Seriously I am like horrible, but I'm on my spring break so you can expect some more updates later on this week...sorry for an errors

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