Imagine For Nyiko

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Okay so this is the first personal imagine I've done so sorry if it's horrible

Nyiko's POV

You can't take it anymore. Not knowing what to feel or how to feel. What's worse is that you can't. You're numb to any feeling at all. You see the way Harry looks at you. He wants you back, but you just don't know if you can come back. "Ny " Harry says softly. You look up at him, then back down to the crib. "This was supposed to be his room Harry. He's supposed to be here right now," you tell him, tears welling up in your eyes. He walks over to you and grabs your hand. "It's been 6 months. You need to start accepting it honey." You snatch your hand out of his and glare. "Why? Did you even care," you shout. You leave the nursery and lock yourself in the bathroom.

Harry's POV

After Nyiko leaves, I sit down and cry. She's just not the same anymore and I miss her. I remember how she was that very day.


"Harry!" I turn around to see Ny waddling over to me. "Yes my darling wife," I reply smiling at her. "When are these people finally going to leave," she complains. I laugh and just take her out back. It's was so beautiful outside, so we decided to invite a few friends for a get together. Ny waddles over to her friends and starts talking. I sit with Louis and he starts talking," damn Ny is loud!" I look over to her and she's laughing hard at what Keyla said.
Her beautiful brown skin under the sun, pregnant with my seed. She looks over at me and sticks her tongue out at me. I laugh at her childish behaviour. "Yeah I guess she is pretty loud. That's what I love most about her. There's never a dull moment with this woman. She's my everything." Then everything happens so fast. Ny's on the floor clutching her stomach and we rush her to the hospital. She's in labor.

I'm inside holding her hand while she gives birth. The baby finally comes out. He's finally here. The doctors are exchanging looks, speaking in hushed tones. "Hey. What's happening," I ask them. I rush over to go see my son, but the doctors are pushing me back. I look over to him and see that he isn't breathing or moving. "Why isn't he breathing?! Why?!"

*End of flashback*

She ended up having a stillbirth. They couldn't find out why he didn't survive. He was healthy baby. We didn't have any complications while he was growing. I need to be strong for her. She thinks I don't care, but I do. So, so much. She comes back into the room and I try to hide my tears.

Nyiko's POV

You walk in to see Harry crying and holding a teddy bear. His teddy bear. He looks up and tries to hide the tears but I see them. I know he's been hurting; he has been this whole time. You need him to understand that it's okay for him to cry. " Harry. Look at me," you say grabbing the teddy bear from him. You stand him up and hug him. "You don't always need to be the strong one. Stop holding it in. Please, just cry with me. I know that I haven't been myself, but I'm trying. Let's help each other," you cry.

He finally breaks down and cries. "I saw him just laying there, not breathing. I watch them try to revive him. I can't just unsee that. I hate feeling this way. I hate seeing you like this. This isn't you," he sobs. You nod your head in understanding. "I know but today just cry with me," you reply and hug him tighter. The rest of the day was spent with you and Harry holding each other and telling each other it will get better.

Okay so I decided to go with a sad one. I know its sad. If you guys want a personal imagine just message me or comment. Thank you and enjoy Nyiko.

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