First Date (Harry and Liam)

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Harry: That white boy you met at the party your boss threw you, is coming to get you in an hour and you have nothing to wear. He told you to dress cute and comfortable. What's does that mean?! You saw your white top and you decided to wear that with black skinny jeans. You wrapped your red flannel around your waist and smiled at the mirror. Now what to do with my hair? You braided your hair back into two braids and settled for that. The doorbell rang and you hurried to the door. There he stood in all his glory, Mr.Harry Styles. "Hello beautiful. Ready to get going," he asks. You nod your head yes and he takes you to his car. " So tell me about yourself. What do you like to do?" You thought about it wondering what kind of things you liked to do. "Well I like to read and write. I love music a lot," you say excited. You guys get to know each other and then the car stops. "Well we're here."

You look around the area and see a park. You give him a questioning look and he laughs getting out the car. You follow and he motions you to walk with him. "We're at a park..." He nods his head yes and continues to walk. You pass the playground, the picnic area, and start going down a trail. "This is the start of the date. We're taking a hike!" You groan internally because you didn't wear the proper clothes for a hike. You guys start walking the trail and he starts a conversation. You guys reach a clearing where there's a lake and a little table set up at the side. The view is amazing. You gasp and he takes your hand leading you to the table. You guys eat and he offers to take a swim, but you decline. You guys start walking back and you groan out loud. "What's the matter? You didn't like the date," Harry asks sadly. "No I did it's just that I don't feel like walking back down the trail," you say huffing. "Well you know I am pretty strong. I can carry you on my back," he says. You think about it, but decline. Halfway through the hike you get tired. "You sure you don't want that back ride? The offer still stands." You say okay and jump on his back and he takes off.

You start to play with his hair, fascinated with the texture. The park comes into view and you tell him to put you down, but he shakes his head no. "Not until we get to the car." You get embarrassed because people were looking at you guys. A couple of girls glared at you, but you didn't pay them any mind. You finally get off and he drives you home. "I really had a good time today. We should go out another time," he says as you approach your door. "I would like that."

Liam: Oh my god! This cannot be happening. You're on your date with Liam and he took you to a really nice restaurant and guess who you see. " Hey y/n," your ex Tony says. You roll your eyes and fake a smile. " Hey Tony. How's it going? Oh this is Liam," you say hoping he'd get the hint. Liam looks at him and smiles. " Hi." Tony had cheated on you previously with one of his co-workers. It upset you but you got over it. " So what are you doing here," he asks. "She's on a date with me and I would like it if you would kindly let us get back to the date," Liam speaks. "Date? So you got yourself a white boy now? You know she's not a virgin," he says trying to start a fight. Liam gets up and you get up. You push back on his chest telling him to let it go. " Liam forget it. He's not worth it." Tony mutters some curse words and leaves.

"How'd you survive in a relationship with him," Liam spats, obviously annoyed. "I don't know. He was a kind person but now I don't know what happened to him." Liam still looks like he's in a source mood and you try to break him out of it. When it doesn't work, you just stay silent. You can't believe that he's acting this way. "Y/n I'm sorry." You look at him and he continues. "I shouldn't have acted like this and I'm sorry that I'm ruining this date for you. I'll understand if you want to head back home now." You nod your head yes and he pays for the bill. You guys sit in silence and he sighs. "Look I honestly don't want this to be over. Do you want to go get some ice cream," he asks. You think about it and say yes. You warmed back up to him and you guys enjoyed the rest of the date eating ice cream like two teenagers in love.

I didn't really like liam's

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