How You Met (Niall)

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It's two a.m. and you're up. Why are you up? Well you're sister thought it'd would be a good idea to go out and party after you told her no. She went anyways while you stayed home. She just called you telling you to pick her up at some house party that was happening. She said there was a bunch of famous people there. You put on your shoes and a sweater with your sweats. You find the house and hear nothing. It isn't loud, so you think you got the wrong house. You walk up to the door and open it and see people smoking, drinking, and dancing to music. Oh it's this kind of house party. 

You go looking for your sister and you finally find her with five boys and Becky G you think. What the hell? "Y/s/n! Let's go. I'm tired and pissed off. I told you not to go out" Your sister looks at you smiles. "y/n what are you doing here. I don't want to go home. I made some new friends. This is Z-zayn , Harry, Liam, Louis, and Neill," she says slurring. The blonde guy looks at you and says," Niall is my name." You roll your eyes. I don't really care. "Okay well let's go." Your sister reluctantly agrees and gets up. "Hey Uhm I would like your number," Niall says to you. "Uhh no thank you. You seem like the party type and that's not my scene seeing as I have a very important job and can't waste time partying," you politely say. "So do I. Look tell you what we can just be friends if you want," he says. You look at him and nod. You give him your number and walk out with your sister.

A/n: ugh I don't like it. I had nothing to write about sorry. The other ones will be a lot better I hope 😩😕

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