He Compares You To His Ex (Niall) Part 2

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Sorry it's been a while. I've been busy with school and other things. You guys asked for a second part so here it is.

Your POV

I have no idea where I am. It's been about 4 hours since I left his mothers house. I don't understand. Why doesn't she like me? She doesn't even know me. If course I'm not going to be like his last girlfriend, I'm a different person! It's dark and I just want to go home. It's all Niall's fault anyways. If he hadn't compared me to her, we wouldn't be in this situation. Carmen. She wasn't even all that nice.

My phone starts to ring for the hundredth time and I finally decide to look at it. It's an unknown number so I don't answer it. I come across a pub and I walk inside to get warm. I walk up to the bar and order the strongest drink they have. After 3 drinks I start feeling tipsy and feel the urge to cuss Niall out. I pull out my phone and click on his face waiting for him to answer. "Hello? Y/n?" "Listen here b**ch. I don't know who the f**k you think you are comparing me to some whore!"

Niall's POV

I'm so nervous and angry. How could she just run off like that. She doesn't even know the area! Wait, I'm the reason she ran off. How could I be so stupid. I didn't mean to compare Carmen to her. I was just upset that she wasn't even trying to talk to my family. She knows how important they are to me. Greg and my mother keep calling her because she isn't answering any of my calls. I hope she's okay. We haven't said I love you yet but when I see her I will. I need her here with me.

Y/n is the only one who can keep me sane. She's the one I run to for advice. She's my princess and I need her back. "Honey why are you even worried about her? In case you haven't noticed she's uh...darker than you," my mother says. Is she serious? I will never disrespect my mother but she's pushing it. I take a deep breath and explain to her for the third time I love her. I was about to go out and just look for her myself until my phone started ringing and I see y/n face pop up.
"Hello? Y/n?" "Listen here b**ch. I don't know who the f**k you think you are comparing me to some whore!" I was shocked. She never cussed me out, and I mean never. "Princess, calm down. Where are you," I say trying to calm her down. "Where am I! Oh I don't know and I don't f***ing care honestly. How could you? Do you know how much that hurt me. You promised me that you'd never say anything to hurt me. I f***ing hate you Niall. Do me a favor, lose my number," she said and hung up.

"Y/n?! Y/n!" I really need to find her. I rush and put on my coat. "Niall where are you going?"
"I'm going to find her," I say and walk out the door. Y/n I don't care if you don't want anything to do with me, I'm coming to get you.

Your POV

I hung the phone up in his face and man did it feel good. I go to stand up, but instead I end up on the floor. Man how am I gonna get up? I wonder if Niall is coming for me. He did seem worried when I called him. I don't really hate him, I'm just upset with him. I really do love him. He's my little snowflake. He makes me feel important. I should have never said in hate him. I hope he didn't believe me. Knowing Niall he probably didn't even care I said that. Some guy comes and helps me up into a seat at a table.

" Hey there. You look sad. Do you want to talk?" You don't even say yes and just tell him everything. "So now I don't even know if he's coming to get me," you cry. The stranger looks at you and laughs. Why the hell is he laughing? "Honey are you that blind? This guy is madly in love with you. Give me your phone. I'm calling him so he can pick you up," he says chuckling. After he calls him he gives me my phone back and smiles. "He's on his way." "Thank you." You wait 10 to 20 minutes and then the door opens. The person walks into the pub and looks straight at you. What the hell!? What is she doing here?

Okay so I wanted to extend this one a little bit longer! I hope you guys like the second part and I will do another and that will be the last one. The others will be up later this week or today depending on what I have to do. Vote, comment and enjoy once again.

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