First Kiss (Harry, Louis, Niall)

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Harry: "Yeah let's go", you shouted as you downed another shot. Harry thought it would be a good idea to take you out to the club since you've been so stressed out with work. You invited your girls to come and they were excited to come. You grab your best friend and drag her to the dance floor. You start dancing and 'F**k You All The Time' came on and you looked at Harry. He smiles at you and beckons you to come over. You walk over to him and stand in front of him. "Dance with me," he says grabbing you. You start to dance but your hand suddenly makes its way to your mouth. You're about to vomit. You rush to the bathroom and throw up everything you had taken in the last two hours. You finished and you feel yourself getting sleepy. Someone comes in and lifts you up, telling you that you're crazy for drinking too much. You assume its Harry so you just snuggle into him and fall asleep. 

You hear something ringing and you groaned. Your head is pounding and your throat hurts. You get up and see Harry walk out the bathroom. "Hey what are you doing up so early," he asks. You check to see what time it is and the clock reads 05:30 in the morning. You shrug your shoulders and he comes back into the bed. He pulls you closer to him and wraps his arms around you. "I feel like crap and I probably look like crap," you whine. He shushes you and says you look good. He looks at you and gives you a quick peck on the lips and you smile. "Thank you." You scoot further into his chest and fall asleep with a smile on your face.

Louis: You hadn't spoken to Louis in 3 days because he said something that offended you. He said I guess all black girls are ghetto because you were talking and yelling when your best friend came. You hadn't seen her in forever so you were excited. Niall wanted you guys to work it out so he invited you guys to his place. "Niall why did you call me up to talk to Louis?" "You guys are childish that's why. You need to sit down like two adults and work it out," he says getting up and leaving you two alone. "So...," Louis starts. You look at him and glare. "I can't believe you would say a thing like that," you say. " Oh my god y/n I said I was sorry and I didn't mean it to come out that way," he apologizes. You say nothing and just stare at him. He sits next to you on the couch and grabs your hand making you look at him. "Baby I really am sorry. I know you hadnt seen your friend in awhile so I shouldn't have said that." 

You decide to give in and hug him. "I accept your apology." "Good now give him a kiss," Niall says appearing into the living room. You turn back to Louis and he looks nervous. "Uhh no that's ok," he stutters. Niall looks at him and smiles. "You haven't kissed her yet have you?!" He ends up laughing at the both of us. You roll your eyes and give him a quick peck on the lips. "There we've kissed and now we're going," you say. Louis stops and kisses you a little bit longer and smiles. "I was supposed to be the one to kiss you first," he pouts. You chuckle and par his back. "Next time you can kiss first."

Niall: You were chasing Niall around the park because he took your shoes. You knew something was up when he said you should take off your shoes. He had said the dirt would smudge your shoes so it'd be best if you took them off. As soon as you took them off Niall snatched the shoes from your hands and started running. He's so childish, you thought stopping by the swings. "Aww be be giving up now," he shouted. You waved him off and walked to where you were originally sitting. He came up to you and kneeled down in front of you, dangling your shoes. You tried to grab them but he kept teasing you. You had enough so you punched him in the gut and he fell on top of you. " Oh that hurt," he whines rolling off of you. "Well if you would have just given it to me earlier this wouldn't have happened." He rubs his stomach and ignores you. " Oh come on Niall," you say poking him. "No leave me alone." "Come on what I can I do for you to forgive me," you say. He thinks about it and smiles. "A back massage." You say okay. He stands up and waits for you to put on your shoes. You walk up to him and kiss him. "I'm sorry for hurting you," you apologize. He blushes and kisses you on your nose. "You're forgiven."

Sorry for making Niall's shorter than the others :-/

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