You Find Out His Kink (Harry)

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The boys wanted to come over and you said it was fine. Zayn invited his "friend" and the others brought along their girlfriends. "So what we doing," Louis hollered. You covered your ears and glared. "God Louis. Stop yelling." He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Let's play truth or dare. Whoever skips on a dare must take two shots," Zayn's friend suggested. We all agreed and sat around the living room. Harry had skipped on a lot of dares so he was tipsy. The dares weren't even all that bad. You got finished doing a dare which was to drink a packet of hot sauce. You spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn. "Uhm dare," he says. You dared him to run down the street naked and he did it. He came back in laughing and spun the bottle, which landed on Harry again. "I choose truth," he shouted. You giggled and pinched his cheeks. "Okay. Do you have any secret kinks," Zayn asked. Your eyes widen because you never thought about it yourself.

You anxiously await his answer just like everybody else in the room. You expected him to skip the question but he blurts it out. "I like when y/n scratches my back, when she feels that immense pleasure I give her. I also like it when she smacks me out of anger," he laughs. What the heck? Everybody laughs and decides that it's time to go home. When they leave, Harry looks at you with lust in his eyes. You walk up to him and wrap your legs around his waist. " Do you really like it when I inflict pain on you," you whisper in his ear. He moans yes and you laugh. "Well I'm sorry we're not going into that right now because you are drunk " you say and take him to the room to prepare him for bed.

Anybody want any personal imagines?

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