How You Met (Harry)

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Today was a big day for you, and one of the worst days you've ever had. Your car broke down, your hair just was not cooperating. One good thing was your promotion! Being the only woman of color in your position is a huge thing. Your boss decided to throw a party in the office, but all you wanted to do was go home and relax. "Come on y/n. It's a party for you! At least stay for an hour," your boss pleaded. You looked at him and sighed. " Ugh I guess. But only for an hour." You and your coworkers were dancing and drinking. You had a little too much. 

As you were dancing, you felt someone staring at you. You turned around and saw some white boy, with a man bun. He continues to stare so you walk over to him. "So I see that you're enjoying the view." He looks at you and smiles. "Why yes I was. I like the way you dance. Oh I'm Harry." "You like the way I dance? That's weird. I'm y/n. Do you work here or something...?" He shakes his head no. "No actually. Your boss is my uncle. He invited me. I hope that's okay seeing as how this is your party." "Its good. I'm gonna dance do you want to dance with me?" He nods his head eagerly and you guys head to the dance floor.

You start grinding on him, and he grinds up on you. You turn around to face him and he looks like he's about to pass out. You couldn't help but laugh because white boy can't keep up. "You alright? Need to take a break," you ask him. He nods his head yes and you guys go sit down. "Sorry. I got carried away. I thought you'd be able to handle all this," you smirk. "Oh trust me, I can handle all that. How about I take you out tomorrow and I'll show you what I'm capable of," he says. "I'd like that."

Okay so yea Harry's is alright, sorry I've taken so long. But one thing, I have almost 2k views 😱😱 I guess you guys are liking this. Hopefully these will get better in time 

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